2000 News Releases
12/14/00: Survey Shows Federal Government As a Better Place to Work
10/18/00: "All-Hands Award" Ceremony Is a Yard Triple Header for Coast Guard
9/28/00: Council for Excellence in Government: E-Gov Poll by Hart-Teeter
8/31/00: Wins "Hammer Award"
8/23/00: OSHA Software Is Finalist in Innovations in American Government Award
7/27/00: Interactive Kiosk Brings Government to Local Community
7/10/00: Vice President Gore Announces New Website
6/22/00: VA Team Gets Hammer Award for Innovative Medication System
5/18/00: The National Institutes of Health Earns the Hammer Award With Innovations in Business-to-Business E-commerce
5/9/00: Vice President Gore's National Partnership for Reinventing Government Announces Seven Charter Members of the 21st Century Skills Network
4/11/00: Vice President Gore announces 13 Partnerships to Increase 21st Century Skills
4/10/00: Reinvention Magazine Goes Online
4/6/00: Federal Employees Recognized for Using Plain Language
3/31/00: Federal Agencies Pledge Changes Based on Employee Survey
3/29/00: Vice President Gore Announces Child Support Waivers to Promote Responsible Fatherhood
3/15/00: Two U.S. Office of Personnel Management Reinvention Efforts Win Hammer Awards
3/3/00: SafeCities Network Meets, Launches Website
2/29/00: High-Impact Agencies Get Management Grades
2/28/00: Entrepreneurs Automate Interior HR Processes
2/16/00: Media Advisory: Government Services Easily Accessible in One Location in Bedford, TX
2/14/00: OSHA Partners with Contractors
2/8/00: Postal Service Receives Hammer Award for Diversity
2/2/00: Air Force Simplies Quality Process
1999 News Releases
12/13/99: Index Rates Satisfaction With Government Services
12/2/99: New "Product Improved" U.S. Business Advisor Gives Firms More Options, Faster Service
11/22/99: Vice President Gore Announces Selection of 10 Communities to Form "SafeCities Network" to Reduce Gun Violence
11/12/99: Industry, Government Leaders Come Together to Assess "E-Gov"
11/04/99: Vice President Al Gore Announces New Public-Private Partnerships to Offer Workers 21st Century Skills
10/27/99: Administration to Unveil Interagency Task Force to Improve Federal Government EEO Process
10/6/99: New "Unified Plan" Cuts Red Tape, Spurs State and Local
10/2/99: Vice President Al Gore Praises Social Security Employees for Plain Language Rewrite of "Your Social Security Statement"
8/2/99: Vice President Gore Announces Federal Government is Doing its Share in Moving Families from Welfare to Work
7/21/99: OSHA Head Seeks Support for Safety and Health Programs and Ergonomics Standards
7/20/99: Vice President Gore Praises NASA Employee for Plain Language Rewrite of Sarety and Health Handbook
7/12/99: Vice President Gore and Attorney General Reno Announce Report on High-Tech Crime Reduction Strategies
6/29/99: Coast Guard Project Is Reinvention Lab
6/21/99: Vice President Gore Announces New Initiative to Educate New Generation of Community Builders
6/21/99: Vice President Gore Launches New Information Network to Help Cities Reduce Gun Violence
6/4/99: Vice President Gore Praises FDA Employee for Publishing Plain Language Information on Women's Health
5/27/99: Rio Grande Valley One Stop Capital Shop Receives Vice President's Hammer Award
5/26/99: Vice President Gore Launches First Government-wide Customer Satisfaction Survey
5/13/99: Vice President Gore Announces 13 Partnerships to Improve the Well Being of Children
5/5/99: Vice President Gore Announces the Parent's Protection Page
4/13/99: GSA/USWEST Partnership Gets Hammer Award for Blue Pages Project
3/15/99: Fort Benning Wins Georgia's Highest Award for Quality
3/11/99: Vice President Gore Unveils New Safety Labeling Requirements for Over-the-Counter Medications
3/11/99: Vice President Gore Unveils New Labeling Requirements for Over-the-Counter Medications (fact sheet)
3/10/99: Vice President Announces Airline Passenger Fair Treatment Initiative
3/9/99: Vice President Gore Announces Access America Online Magazine
2/23/99: Fact Sheet on Insure Kids Now Campaign
2/23/99: Vice President Gore Announces Seniors to Benefit from New One-Stop Access to Government Services
2/19/99: The Culture Change Speech by Bob Stone
2/8/99: Vice President Gore Unveils 1999 National Drug Control Strategy
2/6/99: Government on Display Expo Team Gets Hammer Award at Mall of America
02/01/99: State Governments, Federal Agencies, Graded on How Well They Run
1/29/99: Clinton/Gore Agenda for Communities: 21st Century Policing Initiative
01/27/99: Vice President Lauds SEC Rewrite of Disclosure Forms
01/14/99: Vice President Gore's Remarks at Opening Session of International REGO Conference
01/14/99: Vice President Gore Announces Three Reinvention Initiatives at International REGO Forum
01/12/99: Executive Memorandum on Using Technology To Improve Training Opportunities for Federal Government Employees
1/11/99: Boost for Children Federal Register Notice--Performance Partnerships with State and Local Government for Results for Children
1/8/99: Vice President Gore's National Summit On 21st Century Skills for 21st Century Jobs Is January 12
1998 News Releases
12/21/98: Vice President Gore Presents Sixth No Gobbledygook Award to FEMA Employees
12/21/98:Vice President Gore to Host Global Forum on Reinventing Government
12/4/98: State Department Improves Immigrant Visa Processing
12/4/98: Vice President Gore Launches "Hassle Free Community" Program, with First Three Located in Kansas City, Dallas/Fort Worth and Seattle
12/1/98: Statement of Vice President Gore on Government's First Performance-Based Organization
11/30/98: President's Memorandum to Department Heads on Electronic Commerce
11/24/98: Vice President Gore Lauds USDA Employee for "Plain Language" Rewrite"
11/23/98: Vice President Announces Funds to Connect Children to the Internet
11/18/98: State Department Issues A New, More-Secure U.S. Passport Featuring Digitized Imaging
11/16/98: Vice President Gore Announces Steps to Improve Social Security Customer Service
11/16/98 Federal Job Safety Commission Gets Hammer Award for Simplifying Employers' "Day in Court"
11/12/98: OSHA to Highlight Partnerships with Public and Private Groups at Nov. 13 Conference
11/12/98: President Clinton Announces New Grants for After-School Programs
10/23/98: Vice President Gore Congratulates 1998 Federal Innovations in American Government Winners
11/2/98: Defense Logistics Agency Garners Five Hammer Awards
10/30/98: Vice President Gore Launches New Era of Global Communications Technology
10/28/98: Vice President Gore Lauds HUD Employees for Using "Plain Language"
10/23/98: Statement of Vice President Gore on National Y2K Week
10/22/98: U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Wins Innovations In American Government Award
10/22/98: Northern New Mexico Collaborative Stewardship Wins Innovations in American Government Award
10/19/98: Statement by the President on the "Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act."
10/12/98: Vice President Gore Announces Five Challenges to Build a Global Information Infrastructure
10/9/98: Vice President's Statement on Next Generation Internet Research Act
10/7/98: White House Fact Sheet on Creating the Government's First Performance-Based Organization to Modernize Student Aid Delivery
10/7/98: Fact Sheet on Higher Education Amendments of 1998
10/7/98: Remarks by the President at Bill Signing Ceremony for the Higher Education Amendments of 1998
10/8/98: President Clinton's Statement on Internet Tax Freedom Act
10/1/98: VP Announces New Efforts to Crack Down on Software Piracy
10/1/98: Vice President Gore Announces $229 Million to Help Police Buy New Technology Equipment, Hire Staff
09/24/98: Vice President Gore Presents Third Plain Language Award
9/02/98: Vice President Gore Calls for Healthier More Livable Communities
08/27/98: Vice President and Mrs. Gore Hold Town Hall Meeting to Discuss Ways to Make Our Schools Safer
08/11/98: President Clinton Welcomes Plan to Strengthen U.S. Leadership in Information Technology
08/05/98: Vice President Gore Presents Second Plain Language Award
7/31/98: Vice President Announces New Steps Toward an Electronic Bill of Rights
7/22/1998: Statement by Vice President Gore on the President's Signing of the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act
Streamlines Agency Personnel Reporting Requirements
7/15/98: Statement by the President on the Release of a Report on America's Children
Congress Creates Performance-based Organization, July 14, 1998 (Commercial link used with permission)
7/14/98: Remarks by the President Concerning the Year 2000 Conversion
7/14/98: Vice President Gore Documents Year 2000 Computer Problems
07/10/98: OSHA's Marthe Kent Gets the First Plain Language Award
6/30/98: Vice President Gore Presents First Award for Federal Writing in Plain Language
6/19/98: Statement by the President on IRS Reform
5/26/98: Press Briefing by Sperling on the Economy
5/26/98: President and Vice President Announce Budget Surplus for 1998
5/22/98: Vice President Gore Launches Computer Network to Fight Food-Bourne Illness
5/20/98: President on 1999 Federal Pay Raise
5/14/98: VP Announces Comprehensive Privacy Action Plan
5/6/98: OSHA and Joint Commission to Receive Vice President's Hammer Award for Promoting Health Care Workers' Safety
05/02/98: President Clinton's Radio Address on the IRS
4/28/98: Vice President Gore Praises Efforts to Connect Poor Schools to the Internet
4/23/98: Access America Conference Is in Ft. Lauderdale on June 14-17
4/22/98: Statement by Vice President Gore on E-Rate Applications for Schools and Libraries
Vice President Al Gore at the Reinvention Revolution III Conference, April 21, 1998 (transcription)
4/18/98: President's Radio Address to the Nation on Recent Tornadoes and the Reinvention of FEMA
4/16/98: Integrated Taxonomic Information System Partnership to Get Hammer Award
4/14/98: Vice President Gore Announces Giant Steps Toward Next Generation Internet
4/13/98: OPM Tools Will Assist Agencies With Pending Computer Conversion
News Releases for 1997 and earlier