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  Daily Briefing  

February 28, 2000 

Entrepreneurs automate Interior HR

By Joshua Dean

The Interior Department Friday began a
six-month pilot program that, if successful, will
add human resources automation services to
its widely used Federal Personnel Payroll
System (FPPS). 

The pilot will automate services such as
applicant tracking, training management and
skills analysis.

"Interior has had significant downsizing in our
personnel management component," said
Timothy Vigotsky, director of Interior's National
Business Center. "Our personnel staff wanted
additional resources. This project answers that

FPPS, an online payroll system, serves all
66,000 Interior employees. In addition, FPPS
entrepreneurs have garnered the payroll
business of agencies such as the Education
Department, the Federal Trade Commission
and the Social Security Administration, who
outsource their payroll needs to FPPS. As a
result, FPPS handles the payroll for over
200,000 federal employees throughout the

Interior is working with all eight of its internal
bureaus, including the National Park Service,
the Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S.
Geological Survey, on the pilot. SAP Public
Sector and Education Inc., will integrate its
software with the help of Integrated Concepts
and Research Corp. 

True to the entrepreneurial spirit of the FPPS
crew, the new human resources components of
the system could be used to market FPPS to
even more agencies for payroll and human
resources-related processing.

But "our number one focus is Interior,"
Vigotsky said. "After Interior is taken care of,
then we can take a look at marketing FPSS's
new functionality to other agencies."

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