The following people were nominated to serve on the FTC's
Advisory Committee on Online Access and Security. As per the Federal Register Notice
published on December 21, 1999, the agency will post a list of the members selected
to serve on the Advisory Committee as soon as possible after January 20, 2000.
- Adams, Stella J. (BIO)
) (North Carolina Fair Housing Center)
- Adler, Steven B.
(International Security, Trust, and Privacy Alliance)
- Allen, James C. (
-, Inc.
- Archey, William T. (American
Electronics Association ("AEA"))
- Baker, Stewart A.

- Bartow, Ann (University of Dayton School of Law)
- Bates, Richard (The Walt
Disney Company)
- Billingsley, C. Win (Naviant)
- Braddon, Cynthia H. (McGraw Hill)
- Brady, Regina (Resumé)
- Brown, William J. III (Interval International)
- Bruening, Paula J. (TRUSTe)
- Burney, Brett
- Butler, James W. III (Arnall, Golden and
Gregory, LLP)
- Butterworth, Nicholas
(Viacom Inc.)
- Caldwell, Kaye (CommerceNet)

- Casey, Steven C. (RSA Security Inc.)
- Castro, Luis (SmartGirl Internette Inc.)
- Cate, Fred H. (Indiana University of Law)

- Catlett, Jason (Junkbusters Corp.)
- Cerasale, Jerry (Direct Marketing Association)
- Chapin, A. Lyman (BBN Technologies)
- Charles, Cheryl (BITS, The Financial Services Roundtable)
- Nomination 1
- Nomination 2
- Chesnut, Robert C. (eBay Inc.)
- Ciavola, Gary (Predictive Networks, Inc.)
- Cohen, Tod (Motion Picture Association)

- Cole, Steven J. (Council of Better Business
Bureaus (CBBB))
- Comenzo, Rick (
- Cranor, Lorrie Faith (AT&T & Simson Garfinkel &
Association for Computing Machinery)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2
c. Nomination 3 
- Crocker, Thomas E. (Alston & Bird LLP)

- Culnan, Dr. Mary J.
- Curtis VII, Lebbeus (Resumé
)(Bellerophon, Ltd.)
- Davis, Frederic E. (Lumeria Inc.)
- Davis III, Gervaise G. (Curriculum Vitae)

- Davis, John C. (KPMG)
- DeLoach, Roy
- Duwaik, Jad (OptInk)
- Dyson, Esther (EDventure Holdings)
- Ebert, Daniel (
- Eddy, Michael P.
- Effross, Walter A.
- Eisenhauer, Margaret P. (resumé) (Business
Practices Group)
- Nomination 1
- Nomination 2
- Nomination 3
- Nomination 4
- Emmerich, Steven S. (resumé)

- Emmert, Steven M. (BIO)
- Everett-Church, Ray (
- Fausett, Bret A. (Association of Internet Professionals

- Feldman, Spencer G.

- Fitzgerald, Mary Clare (BIO)

- Foldes, Paul G. (
- Fox, Jean Ann (Consumer Federation of America (CFA))

- Fox,
Thomas (Schwartz & Ballen)

a. Nomination 1 
b. Nomination 2 
- Fraser, John A. (Kroll Associates, Inc.
- Garfinkel, Simson L.
- Gau, Tatiana (America Online, Inc. ("AOL"))
- Gauntt, John du Pre (resumé)
- Gavis, Alexander C. (Investment Company Institute)
- Geer, Jr., Daniel E.(BIO & Resume
) (@Stake, Inc.)
- Gessel, Raymond V.
- Gidley, J. Mark
(White & Case LLP)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2 
- Gleick, James
- Goldman, Rob ( & Jason Catlett)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2
- Griffiths, Mike (MatchLogic)
- Grimm, Eric C. (resumé)
(CyberBrief, PLC)
- Grosso, Andrew (Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM))
- Hald, Alan P.
- Hall, Lauren (Software & Information Industry
Association (SIIA))
- Hamilton, David B. (BIO)
- Haney, Peggy H. (American Express Company)
- Hanson, Peter (Hewlett-Packard Company)
- Hendricks, Evan (Privacy Times)

- Henning, Keith (Coremetrics, Inc. )
- Hill, Austin (Zero-Knowledge
- Hoffman, David (Intel Corporation)
- Hoffman, Lance J. (George Washington
- Hogaboom, Judy (Pearl Software, Inc.)
- Hosea, Devin (Predictive
Networks, Inc.)
- Inadomi, Elizabeth A. (BIO)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2
c. Nomination 3 
- Isay, Josh (DoulbleClick,

- Jaffe, Daniel L. (Association
of National Advertisers (ANA))
- Jaye, Daniel (Engage Technologies, Inc.
- Johnson, Eric J.
- Kahle, Brewster (Alexa Internet)
- Kamp, John (American Association of Advertising

- Keller, K. Martin

- Kellett, Eleanor B. (SCANA Corp.)
- Kelley, Mary (i-Escrow)
- Killingsworth, Scott (Powell, Goldstein,
Frazer & Murphy)
- Klepak, Robert M. (Electronic Financial
Services, Inc.)
- Kloss, Linda L. (American Health Information
Management Association)
- Krishnan, Chini (ValiCert, Inc.)
- Kyzer, Gwenn (Experian)
- Lackey, David B. (Metropolitan Mortgage &
Securities Co., Inc.)
- Laksbergs, Elmars E. (Enterprise
Networking Systems, Inc.)
- Lane, Rick (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
- Lapinski, John S.
- Larsen, Steve (Netperceptions, Inc.)
- López, Andrés W. (resumé)
(Fiddler Gonzalez & Rodriguez, LLP)
- Lucas, Steven (Privaseek, Inc.)
- Nomination 1
- Nomination 2
- Maher, David P. (InterTrust Technologies)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2 
- Maher, Terrence P. (Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman)
- Nomination 1
- Nomination 2
- Matsuura, Jeffrey Hiroshi (Alliance Law Group, LLC)
- Maxson, James W. (Delta Air Lines

- McEahern, Mark (
- McFarren, Michael R. (Resumé
)(Bellerophon, Ltd.)
- McLaughlin, Craig P. (Privada, Inc.)
- Miller, Gregory (MedicaLogic, Inc., Shaw Pittman, Sen. Wyden, eMusic)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2
c. Nomination 3
d. Nomination 4
- Molad, Clarisse Behar (CBM Consulting)
- Moore, Dennis (
- Mulligan, Deirdre (Center for Democracy and Technology)
- Nomination 1
- Nomination 2
- Newman, John A. (
- Noveck, Beth S. (Yale Law School)
- O'Connor, Mark J. (Donna N. Lampert Associates, P.C.)

- Olechowski, Scott (resume)

- Palage, Michael D. (InfoNetworks, Inc.)
- Pearson, William L. (University of Delaware)
- Pierce, Deborah (Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF))
- Plesser, Ronald L. (Piper, Marbury, Rudnick
& Wolf, LLP)
- Plyler, Joyce E.
- Ponemon, Dr. Larry (BIO)
- Poulos, Bill (EDS Office
of Government Affairs)
- Powers, James A.

- Purcell, Richard
- Rakoff, Simon (The .Com Group)
- Randle, William M.
(Huntington Bancshares, Inc.)
- Raul, Alan Charles (Sidley & Austin)
- Reboli, Anna (Juno Online Services Inc.)
- Reid, Peter (NCR)

a. Nomination 1 
b. Nomination 2 
- Rein, Robert (Resume)

- Richards, Jeff B. (Internet Alliance)

- Ridgon, Edward E. (Georgia State University)
- Rippen, Helga (resume) (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - United States of America)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2
c. Nomination 3
d. Nomination 4
- Ritter, Jeffrey B. (Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2 
c. Nomination 3 
- Roberts, Mary Lou (University of Massachusetts
- Rodgers, Jason
- Rosenberg, Roger E. (White Wolf Consulting)
- Rozen, Michael J. MD (resume) (
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - United States of America)
- Sabety, J. Pari (Ohio Supercomputer Center)

- Sackler, Arthur B. (Time
Warner Inc.)
- Saunders, Dr. Charles E.,M.D. (BIO) (Curriculum Vitae)(Healtheon/WebMD)
- Schacher, Alden (Dun & Bradstreet Corporation)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2
c. Nomination 3 
- Schireson, Max (Oracle
- Schmitt, Eric (Forrester
- Schrader, Russell W. (VISA)

- Schutzer, Dr. Daniel (resume
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2
- Sehgal-Kolbert, A. Cassidy (MaMaMedia, Inc.)
- Sharp, John C. (DreamStreamer Ltd)
- Shen, Andrew (Electronic Privacy Information Center EPIC, Privacy Times,
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2
c. Nomination 3
- Sheridan, Mike (BIO)
(Novell Inc.)
- Shirey, John (Paymentech)
- Shlain, Tiffany (International Academy of
Digital Arts & Sciences)

- Singh, Kunwar Chandrajeet ("KC") (Cyberknowhow,
Inc. ("Cyberknowhow"))

- Slafsky, John (Wilson Sonsini Goodrich &
- Smith, Jonathan M. (University
of Pennsylvania)
- Smith, Richard M. (Jason Catlett &
Junkbusters Corp.)
- Snyder, Wallace (American
Advertising Foundation)

- Soto, Dan
- Steele, Shari (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
- Steinhardt, Barry (BIO)
(comments)(American Civil Liberties Union
- Stolfo, Dr. Salvatore Joseph (iPrivacy, L.L.C.)
- Swift, Jane (resume'
) (The Commonwealth of Massachusetts)
- Szafran, Marc E.
- Tarwater, Michael (, Inc.)

- Tasker, Peter S. (The MITRE Corporation)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2
- Terry, Paul (Resume)
- Tierney, James E.
a. Nomination 1 (Correction)
b. Nomination 2 
c. Nomination 3 
- Torres, Frank C. III (Consumers Union)
- Trainer, Ryan
- Tretick, Brian (Ernst & Young's Center for
Trust Online)
- Trovato, JR., James D. (Intuit Inc. ("Intuit"))

- Trumm, James F. (S.O.S., Inc.: Students for Other
- Tsibouris, Dino (Bank One Corporation

- Turow, Joseph PhD (University of Pennsylvania)
- Vick, Jeffrey B. (QUEit Corporation)
- Wade, James R. (AirTouch Cellular)
- Wadlow, Thomas (Pilot Network Services, Inc.)
- Warren Robin K. (Bank of America)
- Watson, Bradley J. (Chubb and Son, Inc.)
- Weisberg, Arthur (iPool Corporation)
a. Nomination 1
b. Nomination 2 
- Wiese, Calvin W.
(HealthMagic Inc.)
- Wham, Ted
- Whitener, Rebecca (IBM Global Services
Security and Counsulting Group)

- Williams, Barbara J.
- Wilson, Debby Fry (

- Wolf, Christopher (BIO
a. Nomination 2 
b. Nomination 3 
- Woods, Chris (FollowUp.Net)
- Wunderman, Lynn (resume) (I-Behavior Inc.)