Dear Sir: Responding to the recent Federal Register Notice and Request for Nominations for the Advisory Committee on Online Access and Security, I hereby nominate myself for Advisory Committee membership. As described more fully below in the attached resume I am a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery and have served as general chairman of the Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy. I am also a member of the National Advisory Board of the newsletter Privacy and American Business and sit on the Advisory Committee of the Center for Democracy and Technology. Until I left on sabbatical for 1999-2000, I was GWUs representative to the Advisory Committee of the World Wide Web Consortium. Some of my recent research includes developing the privacy policy for an electronic payments system and carrying out risk analyses for telemedicine privacy and security. As someone with a foot in both the security and privacy camps, and with no commercial ax to grind, I bring a balanced, informed perspective to these issues. As an educator and a technologist, I often play a role bridging the "Two Cultures" -- articulating privacy concepts to technologists and demystifying computer systems to the general public. And since my sabbatical leave extends through the summer of 2000, I have the time available to give the proper attention to the Advisory Committee meetings and tasks. During Academic year 1999-2000, I will rarely be at the university, so the best way to contact me is by email ( or by calling my home office at 301 656-6205. Thank you for your consideration. I hope to be able to serve the Commission. Sincerely, Lance J. Hoffman |