
I am responding to your call for nominees to the Advisory Committee on Online Access and Security, as described in the Federal Register/ Vol. 64, No. 244/ Tuesday, December 21, 1999.

I am currently a Director, and Chairman of the Outreach Committee, of the International Security, Trust, and Privacy Alliance (ISTPA). ISTPA was formed in August, 1999 to help build technical specifications for Privacy and Data Protection, specifically in the wake of far-reaching EU privacy directives that effect many US-based corporations.

Current members include AMD, Authentica, Bennet Gold Chartered Accountants, Cyba Research, GemPlus, IBM, IFsec, Intel, NCR, OneName, Privaseek, The docSpace Company, Truste, Vanguard Integrity Professionals, and Wave Systems. ISTPA currently has active working groups dedicated to defining privacy requirements, technical framework construction, third-party proor of concept, and institutional outreach. We also have working relationships with a number of other privacy groups, such as Truste and OPA. Our goal is to help foster private-industry solutions to consumer privacy protection in the hope that EU and industry sector-specific compliant solutions (like FTC regulations regarding the banking industry, or HIPPA compliance for healthcare) will satisfy both consumer and business interests.

I am also the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Business Development of IFsec, LLC, a New York based information security consulting firm specializing in PKI and high-end information security architecture. In December, IFsec sponsored an InformationWeek Roundtable discussion on Privacy and Data Protection at the 21 Club in New York in which 22 financial institutions took part, including the Federal Reserve Bank of NY, Chase Manhatten Bank, Goldman Sachs, Fortis, and Pershing.

Prior to joining IFsec in June 1999, I spent seven years working in Europe, most recently as IBM's Nordic e-business Manager, located in Copenhagen, Denmark. Prior to that, I was IBM's EMEA e-business Manager for the Insurance ISU, where I pioneered an internet insurance solution offering called e-Risk; helping insurance companies understand online exposures and provide first and third-party liability coverage for internet business risks. I also co-developed IBM's global Internet Security Methodology.

ISTPA was formed to develop concrete solutions to enhance security, trust, and privacy online. We have discussed and researched many of the issues the Advisory Committee will consider, and would like to make a positive contribution to your efforts. We know the Committee has been established to produce results by May 31, 2000, and we are prepared to work hard to meet this timetable. Therefore, on behalf of ISTPA , I wish to nominate myself, Steven B. Adler, for Advisory Committee Membership.

I am looking forward to your reply.


Steven B. Adler
Executive Vice President
IFsec, LLC
260 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-213-8570
Fax: 212-213-8567
Cel: 917-363-4997