
Vice President Gore's National Partnership for Reinventing Government Web Site

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NPR Information and Initiatives

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[NPR Alumni Directory (alumni only)] [Federal Communicators Network] [Balance Measures] [Managing for Results]
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NPR Vision Statement

[America @ Our Best]

[Headline Stories]
Celebrating Reinvention

1,378 Hammer Awards Recognize Federal Workers for Creating a Better Government Clinton Administration Awards Last Plain Language Prize

Linking Information and Place in the Information Age

The Washington Post: Customer Ratings Up for Federal Agencies Federal Employees Like Their Jobs, Survey Says

Always Leave'Em Laughing!

Federal One Stops

[21st Century Skills] [Acquisitions] [Asset Sales] [BudgetNet] [Business Advisor] [Communicators] [Computers] [Consumer Gateway] [DisAbility] [Domestic Assistance] [Education] [E-Gov E-Zine] [Facts for You] [FinanceNet] [FirstGov] [GrantsNet] [Health Finder] [IGNet] [Job Page] [Kids] [Native Americans] [Non-Profit Gateway] [Recreation] [Seniors] [State/Local Gateway] [Statistics] [Students] [TradeNet] [USA Jobs] [Weather] [White Pages] [Workers]

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Contact Information .

The National Partnership for Reinventing Government has come to an end, but government reform continues. We thank the Government Printing Office's Federal Depository Library Program and its partner, the Government Documents Department, University of North Texas Libraries, for archiving this website exactly as it appeared on January 17, 2001. NPR's mailing address, phone numbers, and staff e-mail addresses are no longer active.