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Second Global Forum, May 29-31, 2000

Global Conference on Reinventing Government Representatives of 38 nations attended the first international conference on reinventing government sponsored by Vice President Gore in Washington, D.C., January 14-15, 1999.

2/25/99: Lasting Power of Partnerships

Updated May 1, 2000

Partnerships have been so important to the success of reinventing government that in 1998, the National Performance Review changed its name to the National Partnership for Reinventing Government. Below are just a few of the partnerships that are creating a government that works better, costs less, and delivers results Americans care about--in time for the challenge of the 21st Century. Also see Initiatives.

Federal agencies are partnering to provide resources to support children and youth during out-of-school hours.

In 1995, the then National Performance Review set up a consortium of federal agencies to benchmark against private sector companies. That led to the formation of the Interagency Benchmarking and Best Practices Council under the leadership of The Department of Energy. Charter members included Transportation, Veterans Affairs, IRS, and the Patent and Trademark Office. The group also formed partnerships with the International Benchmarking Clearinghouse of the American Productivity and Quality Center, the Strategic Planning Institute, Germany's Informationszentrum Benchmarking, and Canada's Innovation and Quality Exchange.

Local, state and national partners are working together to get results that matter to children and families, such as increasing the number of children with health insurance.

Federal Communicators Network
Organized by NPR in 1996 at the request of Vice President Gore, this network is made up of almost 600 federal communicators and others who communicate with the federal workforce. The network relays reinvention news to frontline workers and provides for more effective sharing of publications, articles, resources, information, and educational opportunities.

Federal Executive Boards
Twenty-eight Federal Executive Boards and more than 100 Federal Executive Associations are working with state and local governments and the private sector to help reinvent government. Some of these organizations are developing cooperative partnerships between federal, state, and/or local governments to establish One-Stop General Stores to make it easier for their customers (often the public or small businesses) to obtain service at a central location.

Federal Welfare-to-Work
Leading by example in the Federal government, federal agencies have hired almost 18,000 former welfare recipients into the federal workforce.

High Impact Agencies
The NPR is working with 32 high impact agencies--federal agencies that serve the most Americans--to help them totally transform themselves to become high-performing, customer-focused, resulted-oriented organizations with an empowered workforce.

Labor-Management Partnerships
For reinventing Government to succeed, we need the active involvement of federal employees and their union representatives. President Clinton issued an Executive Order directing Federal agencies to work in partnership with employees’ representatives. The Executive Order also established a National Partnership Council to support and promote effective labor-management partnerships. The Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management chairs the Council and leads the Government-wide partnership effort. In October 1999, President Clinton sent a memorandum to Department and agency heads reaffirming his commitment to partnerships and directing agencies to take new steps to work with their unions to achieve important partnership objectives.

Plain Language Action Network
The Plain Language Action Network (PLAN) is an interagency partnership working to improve communications from the federal government to the public and to help agencies comply with the Presidential Memorandum on Plain Language.

Regulatory Partnerships
The President and Vice President have directed federal regulators to form partnerships with responsible companies they regulate to work together to achieve common goals like clean air and safe food.

Local, state and national partners working together to reduce gun violence in communities.

21st Century Skills
Local, state and national partners working together to close the skills gap and support lifelong learning for all adults.

US State & Local Gateway
NPR worked with 17 agencies and 7 associations to create this Website with federal information for state and local government employees. Also see State-Local Partners.

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