NPR Services Directory
America @ Our Best
NPR’s Vision for the Future
Our Mission
In time for the 21st century, reinvent government to work
better, cost less, and get results Americans care about.
Our Values
- Community--We foster teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration
- Courage--We take risks to achieve results
- Creativity--We seek out and reward new ideas and innovation
- Trust--We believe in empowering people to do the right thing
- Integrity--We practice high ethical standards in everything we do
- Diversity--We respect and celebrate differences
- Enthusiasm--We are passionate about making a difference
- Service--We provide our customers with products and information they want and need
Our Plan
- Align around clear vision, values, and goals
- Carry on a conversation with the American people about what they value
- Support High Impact Agencies while they change their culture, processes, and underlying information technology systems
- Use outcomes to focus management time and priorities, especially in the High Impact Agencies
- Completely change our regulatory approach emphasizing partnerships and prevention strategies to get the safety, health and security results Americans care about
- Give employees the tools and freedom to do their jobs, and hold them accountable for achieving outcomes
- Deliver One-Stop information and services
- Foster leadership, leadership, leadership
Our Goal
Restore trust in America’s government by providing—
- Best value for each taxpayer dollar
- Best service for each customer and regulated business
- Best workplace for its employees
- Best legacy for our future
- Balanced Measures
Have agencies--from their top leaders to front line managers--manage using
measures that assess customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and
business results.
- Partnering for Outcomes
Shared accountability for common national outcomes that no one agency can
deliver. For example, crimes and drugs, Workforce Investment Act.
- E-Gov
Creating virtual government agencies. For example, gateways for
problem-solving such as www.statelocal.gov and EPA's Small Business Advisors.
- Getting the Message Out
- Mobilize America's real heroes to get the message out
- Create a movement to let people know that the government is changing
- Let's start with you!
NPR’s Toolkit
- Cross-agency taskforces
- Networks of experts
- Conferences and training events
- Hammer Awards
- Benchmarking studies
- High-level intervention
- Cross-cutting management reforms
- Website and electronic newsletter
NPR 1998 Status: Government Works Better
- Put Customers First -- put in place 4,000 service standards
- Empowers employees -- created 850 labor-management councils
- Cuts Red Tape -- eliminated 640,000 pages of internal rules
- Creates partnerships -- OSHA, FDA, EPA now partner with business
NPR 1998 Status: Government Costs Less
- $137 billion in savings
- Workforce smaller by 351,000
- $31 billion used more effectively by Hammer Award recipients
- 16,000 pages of Federal Regulation abolished
- 250 fewer programs/agencies