The National Education Goals Panel has released a variety of policy recommendations and papers focusing on education policies and other issues relevant to education improvement. The panel also has specific policies in regards to the agency itself. Both of these sets of policies can be found on this page with links to additional documents and information.
Education Policies
- Report of the Measuring Success Task Force to the National Education Goals Panel, Governor John McKernan, Chair, February 24, 2001
- Bringing All Students to High Standards - NEGP Policy Recommendations Adopted December 7, 2000
- Policy Recommendations and Examples Regarding State Professional Development Programs Linked to Student Standards
While many states, school districts and universities have embarked on thoughtful reforms of professional development, explicit links with standards for what students should know are far too rare. Attached are examples of where such policies are in operation and information on how interested states can join or learn more about those activities.
- NEGP Recommendations Regarding the Implementation of Standards
- Implementing Academic Standards
The Goals Panel commissioned a series of papers to report on current state efforts to implement academic standards in the areas of textbooks, professional development, curricula, and student assessments.
- Partner Organizations Involved in Standards Implementation
For further information about related activities in the organizations cooperating in this activity, you may link directly to their websites.
- Goals 3-4-5 Standards Implementation
In 1997, the National Education Goals Panel formed an advisory group to focus attention on this issue and examine how states are implementing their standards.
Agency Policies