The purpose of this title is to establish National Education Goals.
The Congress declares that the National Education Goals are the following:
(A) By the year 2000, all children in America will start school ready to learn.
(B) The objectives for this goal are that--
(i) all children will have access to high-quality and developmentally appropriate preschool programs that help prepare children for school;
(ii) every parent in the United States will be a child's first teacher and devote time each day to helping such parent's preschool child learn, and parents will have access to the training and support parents need; and
(iii) children will receive the nutrition, physical activity experiences, and health care needed to arrive at school with healthy minds and bodies, and to maintain the mental alertness necessary to be prepared to learn, and the number of low-birthweight babies will be significantly reduced through enhanced prenatal health systems.
(A) By the year 2000, the high school graduation rate will increase to at least 90 percent.
(B) The objectives for this goal are that--
(i) the Nation must dramatically reduce its school dropout rate, and 75 percent of the students who do drop out will successfully complete a high school degree or its equivalent; and
(ii) the gap in high school graduation rates between American students from minority backgrounds and their non-minority counterparts will be eliminated.
(A) By the year 2000, all students will leave grades 4, 8, and 12 having demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter including English, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and geography, and every school in America will ensure that all students learn to use their minds well, so they may be prepared for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment in our Nation's modern economy.
(B) The objectives for this goal are that--
(i) the academic performance of all students at the elementary and secondary level will increase significantly in every quartile, and the distribution of minority students in each quartile will more closely reflect the student population as a whole;
(ii) the percentage of all students who demonstrate the ability to reason, solve problems, apply knowledge, and write and communicate effectively will increase substantially;
(iii) all students will be involved in activities that promote and demonstrate good citizenship, good health, community service, and personal responsibility;
(iv) all students will have access to physical education and health education to ensure they are healthy and fit;
(v) the percentage of all students who are competent in more than one language will substantially increase; and
(vi) all students will be knowledgeable about the diverse cultural heritage of this Nation and about the world community.
(A) By the year 2000, the Nation's teaching force will have access to programs for the continued improvement of their professional skills and the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to instruct and prepare all American students for the next century.
(B) The objectives for this goal are that--
(i) all teachers will have access to preservice teacher education and continuing professional development activities that will provide such teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to teach to an increasingly diverse student population with a variety of educational, social, and health needs;
(ii) all teachers will have continuing opportunities to acquire additional knowledge and skills needed to teach challenging subject matter and to use emerging new methods, forms of assessment, and technologies;
(iii) States and school districts will create integrated strategies to attract, recruit, prepare, retrain, and support the continued professional development of teachers, administrators, and other educators, so that there is a highly talented work force of professional educators to teach challenging subject matter; and
(iv) partnerships will be established, whenever possible, among local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, parents, and local labor, business, and professional associations to provide and support programs for the professional development of educators.
(A) By the year 2000, United States students will be first in the world in mathematics and science achievement.
(B) The objectives for this goal are that--
(i) mathematics and science education, including the metric system of measurement, will be strengthened throughout the system, especially in the early grades;
(ii) the number of teachers with a substantive background in mathematics and science, including the metric system of measurement, will increase by 50 percent; and
(iii) the number of United States undergraduate and graduate students, especially women and minorities, who complete degrees in mathematics, science, and engineering will increase significantly.
(A) By the year 2000, every adult American will be literate and will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in a global economy and exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
(B) The objectives for this goal are that--
(i) every major American business will be involved in strengthening the connection between education and work;
(ii) all workers will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills, from basic to highly technical, needed to adapt to emerging new technologies, work methods, and markets through public and private educational, vocational, technical, workplace, or other programs;
(iii) the number of quality programs, including those at libraries, that are designed to serve more effectively the needs of the growing number of part-time and midcareer students will increase substantially;
(iv) the proportion of the qualified students, especially minorities, who enter college, who complete at least two years, and who complete their degree programs will increase substantially;
(v) the proportion of college graduates who demonstrate an advanced ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and solve problems will increase substantially; and
(vi) schools, in implementing comprehensive parent involvement programs, will offer more adult literacy, parent training and life-long learning opportunities to improve the ties between home and school, and enhance parents' work and home lives.
(A) By the year 2000, every school in the United States will be free of drugs, violence, and the unauthorized presence of firearms and alcohol and will offer a disciplined environment conducive to learning.
(B) The objectives for this goal are that--
(i) every school will implement a firm and fair policy on use, possession, and distribution of drugs and alcohol;
(ii) parents, businesses, governmental and community organizations will work together to ensure the rights of students to study in a safe and secure environment that is free of drugs and crime, and that schools provide a healthy environment and are a safe haven for all children;
(iii) every local educational agency will develop and implement a policy to ensure that all schools are free of violence and the unauthorized presence of weapons;
(iv) every local educational agency will develop a sequential, comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth grade drug and alcohol prevention education program;
(v) drug and alcohol curriculum should be taught as an integral part of sequential, comprehensive health education;
(vi) community-based teams should be organized to provide students and teachers with needed support; and
(vii) every school should work to eliminate sexual harassment.
(A) By the year 2000, every school will promote partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children.
(B) The objectives for this Goal are that--
(i) every State will develop policies to assist local schools and local educational agencies to establish programs for increasing partnerships that respond to the varying needs of parents and the home, including parents of children who are disadvantaged or bilingual, or parents of children with disabilities;
(ii) every school will actively engage parents and families in a partnership which supports the academic work of children at home and shared educational decisionmaking at school; and
(iii) parents and families will help to ensure that schools are adequately supported and will hold schools and teachers to high standards of accountability.
It is the purpose of this part to establish a bipartisan mechanism for--
(1) building a national consensus for education improvement;
(2) reporting on progress toward achieving the National Education Goals; and
(3) reviewing the voluntary national content standards, voluntary national student performance standards and voluntary national opportunity-to-learn standards certified by the National Education Standards and Improvement Council, as well as the criteria for the certification of such standards, and the criteria for the certification of State assessments certified by the National Education Standards and Improvement Council, with the option of disapproving such standards and criteria not later than 90 days after receipt from such Council.
(a) ESTABLISHMENT- There is established in the executive branch a National Education Goals Panel (hereafter in this title referred to as the `Goals Panel') to advise the President, the Secretary, and the Congress.
(b) COMPOSITION- The Goals Panel shall be composed of 18 members (hereafter in this part referred to as `members'), including--
(1) 2 members appointed by the President;
(2) 8 members who are Governors, 3 of whom shall be from the same political party as the President and 5 of whom shall be from the opposite political party of the President, appointed by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the National Governors' Association, with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson each appointing representatives of such Chairperson's or Vice Chairperson's respective political party, in consultation with each other;
(3) 4 Members of the Congress, of whom--
(A) 1 member shall be appointed by the Majority Leader of the Senate from among the Members of the Senate;
(B) 1 member shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate from among the Members of the Senate;
(C) 1 member shall be appointed by the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives from among the Members of the House of Representatives; and
(D) 1 member shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives from among the Members of the House of Representatives; and
(4) 4 members of State legislatures appointed by the President of the National Conference of State Legislatures, of whom 2 shall be of the same political party as the President of the United States.
(1) IN GENERAL- The members appointed pursuant to subsection (b)(2) shall be appointed as follows:
(A) If the Chairperson of the National Governors' Association is from the same political party as the President, the Chairperson shall appoint 3 individuals and the Vice Chairperson of such association shall appoint 5 individuals.
(B) If the Chairperson of the National Governors' Association is from the opposite political party as the President, the Chairperson shall appoint 5 individuals and the Vice Chairperson of such association shall appoint 3 individuals.
(2) SPECIAL RULE- If the National Governors' Association has appointed a panel that meets the requirements of subsections (b) and (c), except for the requirements of paragraph (4) of subsection (b), prior to the date of enactment of this Act, then the members serving on such panel shall be deemed to be in compliance with the provisions of such subsections and shall not be required to be reappointed pursuant to such subsections.
(3) REPRESENTATION- To the extent feasible, the membership of the Goals Panel shall be geographically representative and reflect the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of the United States.
(d) TERMS- The terms of service of members shall be as follows:
(1) PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTEES- Members appointed under subsection (b)(1) shall serve at the pleasure of the President.
(2) GOVERNORS- Members appointed under paragraph (2) of subsection (b) shall serve for 2-year terms, except that the initial appointments under such paragraph shall be made to ensure staggered terms with one-half of such members' terms concluding every 2 years.
(3) CONGRESSIONAL APPOINTEES AND STATE LEGISLATORS- Members appointed under paragraphs (3) and (4) of subsection (b) shall serve for 2-year terms.
(e) DATE OF APPOINTMENT- The initial members shall be appointed not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act.
(f) INITIATION- The Goals Panel may begin to carry out its duties under this part when 10 members of the Goals Panel have been appointed.
(g) VACANCIES- A vacancy on the Goals Panel shall not affect the powers of the Goals Panel, but shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
(h) TRAVEL- Each member may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5, United States Code, for each day the member is engaged in the performance of duties for the Goals Panel away from the home or regular place of business of the member.
(1) IN GENERAL- The members shall select a Chairperson from among the members.
(2) TERM AND POLITICAL AFFILIATION- The Chairperson of the Goals Panel shall serve a 1-year term and shall alternate between political parties.
(j) CONFLICT OF INTEREST- A member of the Goals Panel who is an elected official of a State which has developed content, student performance, or opportunity-to-learn standards may not participate in Goals Panel consideration of such standards.
(k) EX OFFICIO MEMBER- If the President has not appointed the Secretary as 1 of the 2 members the President appoints pursuant to subsection (b)(1), then the Secretary shall serve as a nonvoting ex officio member of the Goals Panel.
(a) IN GENERAL- The Goals Panel shall--
(1) report to the President, the Secretary, and the Congress regarding the progress the Nation and the States are making toward achieving the National Education Goals established under title I of this Act, including issuing an annual report;
(2) report on State opportunity-to-learn standards and strategies and the progress of States that are implementing such standards and strategies to help all students meet State content standards and State student performance standards;
(3) submit to the President nominations for appointment to the National Education Standards and Improvement Council in accordance with subsections (b) and (c) of section 212;
(4) after taking into consideration the public comments received pursuant to section 216 and not later than 90 days after receipt, review the--
(A) criteria developed by the National Education Standards and Improvement Council for the certification of State content standards, State student performance standards, State assessments, and State opportunity-to-learn standards; and
(B) voluntary national content standards, voluntary national student performance standards and voluntary national opportunity-to-learn standards certified by the National Education Standards and Improvement Council,
except that the Goals Panel shall have the option of disapproving such criteria and standards by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership of the Goals Panel not later than 90 days after receipt of such criteria and standards;
(5) report on promising or effective actions being taken at the national, State, and local levels, and in the public and private sectors, to achieve the National Education Goals; and
(6) help build a nationwide, bipartisan consensus for the reforms necessary to achieve the National Education Goals.
(1) IN GENERAL- The Goals Panel shall annually prepare and submit to the President, the Secretary, the appropriate committees of Congress, and the Governor of each State a report that shall--
(A) report on the progress of the United States toward achieving the National Education Goals;
(B) identify actions that should be taken by Federal, State, and local governments to enhance progress toward achieving the National Education Goals and to provide all students with a fair opportunity-to-learn; and
(C) report on State opportunity-to-learn standards and strategies and the progress of States that are implementing such standards and strategies to help all students meet State content standards and State student performance standards.
(2) FORM; DATA- Reports shall be presented in a form, and include data, that is understandable to parents and the general public.
(1) IN GENERAL- The Goals Panel shall, for the purpose of carrying out this part, conduct such hearings, sit and act at such times and places, take such testimony, and receive such evidence, as the Goals Panel considers appropriate.
(2) REPRESENTATION- In carrying out this part, the Goals Panel shall conduct hearings to receive reports, views, and analyses of a broad spectrum of experts and the public on the establishment of voluntary national content standards, voluntary national student performance standards, voluntary national opportunity-to-learn standards, and State assessments described in section 213(f).
(b) INFORMATION- The Goals Panel may secure directly from any department or agency of the United States information necessary to enable the Goals Panel to carry out this part. Upon request of the Chairperson of the Goals Panel, the head of a department or agency shall furnish such information to the Goals Panel to the extent permitted by law.
(c) POSTAL SERVICES- The Goals Panel may use the United States mail in the same manner and under the same conditions as other departments and agencies of the United States.
(d) USE OF FACILITIES- The Goals Panel may, with consent of any agency or instrumentality of the United States, or of any State or political subdivision thereof, use the research, equipment, services, and facilities of such agency, instrumentality, State, or subdivision, respectively.
(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall provide to the Goals Panel, on a reimbursable basis, such administrative support services as the Goals Panel may request.
(2) CONTRACTS AND OTHER ARRANGEMENTS- The Secretary, to the extent appropriate, and on a reimbursable basis, shall make contracts and other arrangements that are requested by the Goals Panel to help the Goals Panel compile and analyze data or carry out other functions necessary to the performance of such responsibilities.
(a) MEETINGS- The Goals Panel shall meet on a regular basis, as necessary, at the call of the Chairperson of the Goals Panel or a majority of its members.
(b) QUORUM- A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(1) VOTING- No individual may vote, or exercise any of the powers of a member, by proxy.
(A) In making final decisions of the Goals Panel with respect to the exercise of its duties and powers the Goals Panel shall operate on the principle of consensus among the members of the Goals Panel.
(B) Except as otherwise provided in this part, if a vote of the membership of the Goals Panel is required to reach a final decision with respect to the exercise of its duties and powers, then such final decision shall be made by a three-fourths vote of the members of the Goals Panel who are present and voting.
(d) PUBLIC ACCESS- The Goals Panel shall ensure public access to its proceedings (other than proceedings, or portions of proceedings, relating to internal personnel and management matters) and make available to the public, at reasonable cost, transcripts of such proceedings.
(a) DIRECTOR- The Chairperson of the Goals Panel, without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, relating to the appointment and compensation of officers or employees of the United States, shall appoint a Director to be paid at a rate not to exceed the rate of basic pay payable for level V of the Executive Schedule.
(A) The Director may appoint not more than 4 additional employees to serve as staff to the Goals Panel without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service.
(B) The employees appointed under subparagraph (A) may be paid without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of that title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, but shall not be paid a rate that exceeds the maximum rate of basic pay payable for GS-15 of the General Schedule.
(2) ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEES- The Director may appoint additional employees to serve as staff to the Goals Panel in accordance with title 5, United States Code.
(c) EXPERTS AND CONSULTANTS- The Goals Panel may procure temporary and intermittent services of experts and consultants under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code.
(d) STAFF OF FEDERAL AGENCIES- Upon the request of the Goals Panel, the head of any department or agency of the United States may detail any of the personnel of such agency to the Goals Panel to assist the Goals Panel in its duties under this part.
(a) IN GENERAL- The Goals Panel shall support the work of its Resource and Technical Planning Groups on School Readiness (hereafter in this section referred to as the `Groups') to improve the methods of assessing the readiness of children for school that would lead to alternatives to currently used early childhood assessments.
(b) ACTIVITIES- The Groups shall--
(1) develop a model of elements of school readiness that address a broad range of early childhood developmental needs, including the needs of children with disabilities;
(2) create clear guidelines regarding the nature, functions, and uses of early childhood assessments, including assessment formats that are appropriate for use in culturally and linguistically diverse communities, based on model elements of school readiness;
(3) monitor and evaluate early childhood assessments, including the ability of existing assessments to provide valid information on the readiness of children for school; and
(4) monitor and report on the long-term collection of data on the status of young children to improve policy and practice, including the need for new sources of data necessary to assess the broad range of early childhood developmental needs.
(c) ADVICE- The Groups shall advise and assist the Congress, the Secretary, the Goals Panel, and others regarding how to improve the assessment of young children and how such assessments can improve services to children.
(d) REPORT- The Goals Panel shall provide reports on the work of the Groups to the appropriate committees of the Congress, the Secretary, and the public.