Partner Organizations Involved in Standards Implementation
The Goals Panel plans to explore a sustained effort with the participating organizations to implement one or more of the policy recommendations that arise from this process. For further information about related activities in the organizations cooperating in this activity, you may link directly to their websites below.
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Association of School Administrators, AASA
- American Federation of Teachers, AFT
- Business Coalition for Education Reform
- Business Roundtable, BRT
- Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE)
- Council of Chief State School Officers, CCSSO
- Council of Great City Schools
- Education Leaders Council
- National Academy of Sciences
- National Alliance of Business, NAB
- National Association of Elementary School Principals, NAESP
- National Association of Secondary School Principals, NASSP
- National Association of State Boards of Education, NASBE
- National Conference of State Legislatures, NCSL
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- National Education Association, NEA
- National Governors' Association, NGA
- National Parent-Teacher Association
- National School Boards Association, NSBA
- National Commission on Teaching and America's Future
- SRI International