DVA01: Develop the Master Veteran Record and Modernize the Department's Information Infrastructure
DVA02: Modernize Benefits Claims Processing
DVA03: Eliminate Legislative Budget Constraints to Promote Management Effectiveness
DVA04: Streamline Benefits Claims Processing
DVA06: Enhance VA Cost Recovery Capabilities
DVA07: Establish a Working Capital Fund
DVA08: Decentralize Decisionmaking Authority to Promote Management Effectiveness
DVA09: Establish a Comprehensive Resource Allocation Program
DVA10: Serve Veterans and Their Families as Customers
DVA11: PhaseOut and Close Supply Depots
DVA12: Improve Business Practices Through Electronic Commerce
DVA13: Eliminate "Sunset" Dates in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990
DVA14: Raise the Fees for Veterans Affairs' Guaranteed Home Loans
DVA15: Restructure the Veterans Affairs' Health Care System
DVA16: Recover Administrative Costs of Veterans' Insurance Program from Premium and Dividends
Accompanying Reports of the National Performance Review
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