
Streamlining Management Control


Appendix A:

Summary of Actions by Implementation Category

Each Action item has been categorized by focus of implementation, as follows:

(1) Agency heads can do themselves:

SMC02.3 Revise government-sponsored management training to teach management control as an integral function of management, not as a reporting requirement.

SMC03.1 Change the emphasis of IG's from compliance auditing to evaluating management control systems.

SMC03.2 Change the IG's' method of operation to be more collaborative and less adversarial.

SMC03.3 Establish performance criteria for IG's.

SMC03.4 Do not offer bonuses to IG's.

SMC04.1 Define clearly the clients of the Offices of General Counsel.

SMC04.2 Use franchising and other market mechanisms to encourage OGC staffs to respond appropriately to their clients.

SMC04.3 Develop performance measures and feedback loops for general counsels to encourage close cooperation with clients.

SMC05.1 Improve GAO documentation of best practices and use of feedback loops.

SMC08.1 Establish a process for obtaining waivers from federal regulations and identify the regulations for which this process applies.

(2) President, Executive Office of the President, or Office of Management and Budget can do:

SMC01.1 Redesign the existing set of control mechanisms for the executive branch, using a systems design approach.

SMC02.1 Rewrite OMB Circular A-123, "Internal Control Systems," to be a succinct document that defines the policy for establishing and reviewing management controls.

SMC02.2 Replace OMB's existing Internal Control Guidelines with a handbook on management controls.

SMC02.3 Revise government-sponsored management training to teach management control as an integral function of management, not as a reporting requirement.

SMC07.1 Reduce internal regulations by at least 50 percent over the next three years.

(3) Requires legislative Action:

SMC06.1 Eliminate at least half of all congressionally mandated reports.

SMC06.2 Review new reporting requirements for management impact, and include a sunset provision.

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