
Reengineering Through Information Technology

Appendix A:

Summary of Actions by Implementation Category

(1) Agency heads can do themselves IT03.2 Implement an integrated governmentwide national one-stop 800- number calling service.

IT04.1 Formalize the Federal Law Enforcement Wireless Users Group.

IT05.1 Integrate governmental financial filings, reporting, and payments processing.

IT05.2 Determine ways to eliminate the need for filing routine income tax returns.

IT06.1 Develop and implement a U.S. Government International Trade Data System.

IT08.2 Issue a governmentwide e-mail records management policy.

IT11.1 Conduct a two-year pilot test of a modernized IT acquisition framework.

IT11.2 Increase delegation of authority to agencies.

IT11.3 Expand use of commercial credit card.

IT11.4 Pilot test innovative approaches under the Multiple Award Schedule program.

IT13.2 Require "minimum competency" in information technology for Senior Executive Service candidates.

IT13.3 Require IRM managers to meet certification standards.

IT13.4 Promote collegial assistance for IT.

IT13.5 Include training as part of all information technology contracts and acquisitions.

(2) President, Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, or Interagency group can do

IT01.1 Plan for effective use of information technology throughout government.

IT01.2 Coordinate and oversee implementations of information technology plans.

IT02.1 Design an integrated EBT implementation plan.

IT03.1 Coordinate, recommend, and implement information technology initiatives to improve customer service.

IT03.3 Implement an integrated one-stop government services kiosk.

IT03.4 Implement an integrated governmentwide one-stop electronic bulletin board system.

IT03.5 Work with private industry to advance the implementation of technologies that provide citizen access to government information and services.

IT04.2 Establish a National Law Enforcement/Public Safety Wireless Network for use by federal, state, and local governments.

IT07.1 Organize the implementation of a National Environmental Data Index.

IT08.1 Improve electronic mail and messaging among federal agencies.

IT09.1 Develop government's information infrastructure to effectively use government information resources and support electronic government applications.

IT09.2 Consolidate and modernize government data processing centers.

IT09.3 Reengineer basic systems for improved delivery of government services.

IT09.4 Consolidate and integrate federal government private networks.

IT10.2 Establish uniform privacy protection practices and generally acceptable implementation methods for these practices.

IT10.3 Develop standard encryption capabilities and digital signatures for sensitive unclassified data.

IT10.4 Develop generally accepted principles and practices for information security.

IT10.5 Develop a national crisis response clearinghouse.

IT10.6 Emphasize the need for information security in sensitive unclassified systems.

IT10.7 Reevaluate security practices related to national security data.

IT10.8 Foster the industry-government partnership for improving services and security in public telecommunications.

IT10.9 Implement the National Industrial Security Program.

IT10.10 Develop a comprehensive Internet security plan.

IT10.11 Coordinate security research and development.

IT11.5 Expand electronic commerce.

IT11.6 Provide incentives for improved IT acquisition service efficiency.

IT12.1 Retain a portion of agency information technology savings for reinvestment.

IT12.2 Promote performance-based contracting for information technology.

IT13.1 Establish a program to train nontechnical senior executives and political appointees in information technology.

(3) Requires legislative action

IT02.2 Legislation should be proposed to facilitate nationwide implementation ofEBT.

IT10.1 Establish a Privacy Organization.

IT12.3 Use multi-year funding for agency information technology projects.

IT12.4 Establish a governmentwide innovation fund for innovative information technology projects.

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