
Improving Enviromental Management

Appendix A:Summary of Actions by Implementation Category

Each action item has been categorized by locus of implementation, as follows:

(1) Agency heads can do themselves:

ENV01.1 Develop pilot projects to demonstrate the use of environmental cost accounting by the federal government.

ENV01.2 Report on the demonstration projects and make recommendations on the use of environmental cost accounting in the federal government.

ENV02.5 Develop initial ecosystem management plans for the projects, report on progress, and begin implementation.

ENV03.3 Develop appropriate rules, procedures, or proposed legislation to allow rebates from utility companies to remain available beyond the fiscal year and to be used to fund additional energy efficiency and water conservation projects or to reduce the facility_s future utility bill.

(2) President, Executive Office of the President, or Office of Management and Budget can do:

ENV01.3 Issue a directive to implement environmental cost accounting in the federal government.

ENV02.1 Issue an Ecosystem Management directive by September 1994.

ENV02.2 Establish a high-level Interagency Ecosystem Management Task Force to begin development of a number of cross-agency ecosystem management demonstration projects.

ENV02.3 Conduct management and budget reviews for the ecosystem management projects as part of the fiscal year 1995 budget process.

ENV02.4 Establish Regional Ecosystem Management Teams for each of the cross-agency ecosystem management projects.

ENV03.1 Issue a directive on energy and water efficiency in federal facilities.

ENV04.1 Issue a directive to require the use of environmentally beneficial landscaping at federal facilities and federally funded projects, where appropriate.

(3) Requires legislative action:

ENV03.2 Propose legislation to allow the DOD to retain savings generated through water efficiency projects.

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