
Summary of Fiscal Impact

Change in Budget Authority by Fiscal Year
(Dollars in Millions)
              1994   1995   1996   1997   1998   1999   Total   Change
                                                                                            in FTEs
DOS01:       cbe      cbe    cbe      cbe      cbe     cbe      cbe        cbe

DOS02:       n/a      n/a    n/a     n/a      n/a     n/a      n/a        n/a

DOS03:       cbe      cbe    cbe      cbe      cbe     cbe       cbe       cbe

DOS04:       cbe      cbe    cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe        cbe

DOS05:      -0.6     -0.9   -1.2     -1.2      -1.2    -1.2    -6.3        0
   (USIA)   -6.0     -9.1   -9.1     -9.1      -9.1    -9.1   -51.5     -100

DOS06:       n/a      n/a     n/a    n/a        n/a     n/a     n/a      n/a

DOS07:       n/a      2.6      0.5    -0.7      -1.1     -1.4      -0.1        0

DOS08:      -1.3     -1.7    -1.8    -1.7      -1.6     -1.7      -9.8         0

DOS09:     -32.2    -0.8    -0.8    -0.8       -0.8     -0.8    -36.0        0
State/USIA -40.1   -9.9  -12.4  -13.5  -13.8  -14.2   -103.9    -100

cbe = Cannot be estimated (due to data limitations or uncertainties 
about implementation timelines).

n/a = Not applicable (recommendation improves efficiency or redirects 
resources but does not directly reduce budget authority).

Change in Outlays by Fiscal Year
(Dollars in Millions)

          1994     1995     1996     1997     1998     1999     Total 
DOS01:     cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe       cbe

DOS02:     n/a      n/a      n/a      n/a      n/a      n/a       n/a

DOS03:     cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe       cbe

DOS04:     cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe      cbe       cbe

DOS05:    -0.6     -0.9     -1.2     -1.2     -1.2     -1.2      -6.3
 (USIA)   -5.0     -8.5     -9.1     -9.1     -9.1     -9.1     -49.9

DOS06:     n/a      n/a      n/a      n/a      n/a      n/a       n/a

DOS07:     n/a      2.6      0.5     -0.7     -1.1     -1.4      -0.1

DOS08:    -1.3     -1.7     -1.8     -1.7     -1.6     -1.7     -9.8

DOS09:   -32.2     -0.8     -0.8     -0.8     -0.8     -0.8     -36.2
/USIA    -39.1     -9.3    -12.4    -13.5    -13.8    -14.2    -102.3

cbe = Cannot be estimated (due to data limitations or uncertainties 
about implementation timelines).

n/a = Not applicable (recommendation improves efficiency or redirects 
resources but does not directly reduce outlays).

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