The American Management Association (AMA) provides educational forums worldwide where members and their colleagues learn superior practical business skills and explore the best practices of world-class organizations through interaction with each other and expert faculty practitioners. AMA's publishing program provides tools to extend learning beyond the classroom in a process of life-long professional growth and development through education. The association offers a number of training programs relevant to both the public and private sectors, throughout the United States and Canada. Courses related to managing for results include: Business Process Reengineering, Performance Measurements, Linking Strategic Planning and Human Resources Management, Customer Satisfaction Measurement, Strategic Information Systems Planning, Benchmarking, and Justifying Capital Investment Funding. Courses that make up AMA's Strategic Management Certificate Program include: Strategic Planning, Tools and Techniques for Advanced Strategic Planning, Strategy Implementation, Facilitated Team-Based Strategic Planning, International Strategic Alliances, and Joint Ventures. For a complete listing, call for a course catalog.
American Productivity and Quality Center
800-776-9676, 713-681-4020
Contact: Sara Brill, x4635
The American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC) is a member-based organization providing education, training, benchmarking services, action research, networking opportunities, and publications and other media aimed at improving organizations. Information is available from the APQC on topics including: benchmarking, measurement, customer satisfaction, productivity and quality, etc. Contact Sara Brill for information about Establishing Performance Measurements, a course that helps participants measure the effectiveness of their organization.
American Society for Public Administration
1120 G Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005-3885
The American Society for Administration (ASPA) is a professional society of public managers, public officials, educators, research workers, and others in related fields interested in public management as a career. ASPA publishes the Public Administration Review and has completed extensive research and a number of case studies on all aspects of the managing for results process.
Association of Government Accountants
2200 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22301-1314
The Association of Government Accountants (AGA) is a professional society of accountants, moderators, comptrollers, and budget officers employed by federal, state, county, and city governments in management and administrative positions. AGA conducts research and offers education and professional development opportunities.
The Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
The Brookings Institution is an independent organization devoted to nonpartisan research, education, and publication in the fields of economics, government, and foreign policy. It conducts numerous conferences, forums, and seminars. Divisions within Brookings include the Center for Public Policy Education (CPPE) and Governmental Studies. CPPE conducts open enrollment and customized seminars on procurement and human resources reform, benchmarking, public management, strategic planning, and reengineering.
Center for Strategic Management
Washington Metro Office of Central Michigan University
821 W. Benfield Road, Suite 8
Severna Park, MD 21146
Contact: Libby Clause
The Center for Strategic Management has designed a seminar series to help organizations responsible for implementing Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) based processes. The following courses make up the seminar series: The GPRA and Dynamic Budgeting, Offices of Inspector General Performance Measures, Information Technology Performance Measures, The GPRA and Effective Strategic Planning, Managing for Results: Performance Measures and the GPRA, Program Evaluation: Assessing Federal Program Impact, Managing Change: Overcoming Organization Inertia and Resistance to Change. For detailed information on the series and a seminar schedule, contact Libby Clause.
Chief Financial Officers Council,
GPRA Implementation Committee
Contact: Steve App, Deputy CFO, U.S. Department of the Treasury
To help ensure the success of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and of managing for results, the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Council established the GPRA Implementation Committee to examine the requirements of GPRA and its implications on the financial management community. The committee's work has focused on guiding principles for implementing GPRA, key issues requiring closer attention, baseline information on GPRA implementation, and networking. A report developed by the committee to serve as a reference document for CFOs and nonfinancial managers alike can be accessed on-line at
Council for Continuous Improvement
2107 N. First Street, Suite 680
San Jose, CA 95131
Regional Contacts:
Frank Hall, Eastern Region, 703-918-4865
Karen Hoban, Central Region, 214-529-5296
Bill Nipp, Western Region, 909-944-2507
The Council for Continuous Improvement (CCI) is a national, nonprofit consortium of organizations working together to develop, document, share, and disseminate data, methodologies, and implementation systems that member organizations can use for continually improving their products, services, and performance. Among the topics covered at the Council's national and regional conferences and other training venues are: benchmarking, measuring and evaluating customer satisfaction, reengineering, process improvement, and strategic planning. Extensive training resources are available for members.
Council for Excellence in Government
1620 L Street, NW, Suite 850
Washington, DC 20036
The Council for Excellence in Governance (CEG) is comprised of business leaders with executive-level government experience who wish to promote and support excellence in government. CEG seeks to strengthen public service and improve the effectiveness of the U.S. Government. Committed to the idea that good management in government as in business is essential to good performance, and that the nation needs high-performance government institutions to improve society and thrive in a global economy. CEG sponsors programs for mid-level career managers, senior executives, and congressional staff to interact with Council principals in order to acquaint themselves with the best ideas and practices in management in the private and public sectors. It also sponsors lectures, workshops, and seminars.
Council of Governors Policy Advisors
400 N Capitol Street, NW, Suite 390
Washington, DC 20001
The Council of Governors Policy Advisors (CGPA) provides a forum for chiefs of staff, policy directors, agency heads, and other top policy advisors to share ideas on policy development and to debate critical issues. CGPA conducts policy research and provides management training and technical assistance for its members. Its Policy Academy helps states with complex policy issues. The Council has published many materials on policy development, strategic planning, and performance accountability.
Council of State Governments
Iron Works Pike
P.O. Box 11910
Lexington, KY 40578-1910
Contact: Drew Leatherby, Center for State Trends and Innovations, 606-244-8248
The Council of State Governments is a joint agency of all state governments and six commonwealths and territories. It works to strengthen state government by improving administrative and managerial capability and performance; promoting intergovernmental cooperation; collecting, processing, generating, and disseminating information needed by the states; assisting states in solving specific problems of policy formulations and operations, etc. The Council operates a speaker's bureau, conducts research, and sponsors education programs. It conducted surveys of total quality management and best management practices in state government in March and April of 1996. Contact Drew Leatherby for survey information.
Federal Quality Consulting Group
Office of Thrift Supervision Bldg.
1700 G Street, NW - Third Floor
Washington, DC 20552
Barbara Reeder, 202-906-7442
The Federal Quality Consulting Group (FQCG) is the successor to the Federal Quality Institute. It was created in 1995 to continue the work mandated by the Vice President's National Performance Review to develop an educational program to help federal employees join together in creating a government that works better and costs less. FQCG helps organizations through consultation, facilitation, and workshops. Its consultants are experienced executives on loan from all parts of the federal government who can bring expertise and lessons learned to create customized solutions for the organizations with which they work. GPRA, Strategic Planning and Performance Management is one of the workshops FQCG offers; this aims to provide participants with the understanding and tools needed to conduct strategic and operational planning and to develop and use performance measures to achieve desired outcomes. The workshop's measurement component covers developing performance indicators for inputs, processes, outputs, intermediate outcomes, and end outcomes; and linking indicators at the operational level with the strategic level.
The Finance Project
1341 G Street, NW, Suite 820
Washington, DC 20005
Contact: Cheryl Hayes, Executive Director
The Finance Project is a national initiative to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of public financing for education and other children's services. Since its inception in 1994, the Finance Project has undertaken policy research and development activities, as well as policymaker forums and public education activities. This independent, nonprofit organization focuses on strengthening the capability of communities, states, and the federal government to implement promising strategies for generating necessary public resources and improving the return on investments in children and their families. For example, a working group on results-based planning, budgeting, management, and accountability systems is producing topical reports and creating policy tools to more effectively and efficiently link public planning, budgeting, management, and accountability systems for education and other children's services to the results they are intended to achieve.
Government Finance Officers Association
180 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60601-7476
Contact: Robert Gee, Education & Marketing Center (training)
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) members include finance officers from all levels of government, colleges and universities, public accounting firms and financial institutions, and others in the United States and Canada interested in government finance. GFOA maintains five centers educational services, federal liaison, government finance research, publications, and technical services. Among its committees are Governmental Budgeting and Management, and Government Debt and Fiscal Policy. The Association publishes Government Finance Review bimonthly and the Public Investor monthly. It also publishes textbooks and reports focusing on various areas of public financial management. GFOA offers more than 30 training courses throughout the year, including Capital Budgeting and Financing, Writing Good Performance Measures, and Meaningful Performance Measures and Benchmarks. This last course is next offered December 11-12, 1996, in Charleston, South Carolina, and aims to provide the tools needed to develop, use, and implement performance measurement on a governmentwide basis and also teach how to install a management information system. Request a course catalog for details on other offerings.
Governmental Accounting Standards Board
401 Merrit 7
P.O. Box 5116
Norwalk, CT 06856-5116
Jay Fountain, x259
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is a private not-for-profit organization responsible for establishing accounting and financial reporting standards for all U.S. state and local government. GASB is leading the effort to require the inclusion of performance measurement in financial audits; its performance indicator definitions and examples are quite useful. Also of interest are the service efforts and accomplishments reporting materials GASB has developed.
The Institute for Educational Leadership
1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 310
Washington, DC 20036
Contacts: Margaret Dunkle, Director of the Policy Exchange
Martin J. Blank, Together We Can Institute
The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to improve educational opportunities and results for children and youth by developing and supporting leaders who work together. IEL's Policy Exchange focuses on cross-cutting policy initiatives that foster effective education and human services for families through national seminars and site visits, networking with policymakers, facilitating policy issues, and producing publications that bridge agency and disciplinary boundaries. IEL's Together We Can Initiative offers seminars for teams of people from community collaboratives working to reform systems supporting children, youth, families, and communities. Participatory seminars provide a systematic approach to systems reform with an emphasis on accountability for results, collaborative governance, consumer and neighborhood participation, public engagement, financing and resource development, and professional development.
International City/County Management Association
777 N. Capitol Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20002-4201
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is the professional and educational association for more than 8,000 appointed administrators and assistant administrators serving cities, counties, other local governments, and regional entities around the world. It operates the ICMA Training Institute, which conducts correspondence courses and training seminars for municipal employees in various fields of municipal administration. ICMA also helped develop the CD-ROM Applying Performance Measurement which provides a guided tour of the performance measurement process, practical examples on developing performance measures, quizzes reinforcing key points, detailed information about each aspect of performance measurement, video clips from leading users of performance measurement, and information on developing custom measures. ICMA also publishes Public Management.
ICMA Performance Measurement Consortium |
ICMA, in partnership with Deloitte & Touche and the Urban Institute, has formed a consortium to develop comparative performance measures for local government functions on a national scale. Thirty-five large cities and counties are working with the partners to establish a framework for assessing and improving performances in four areas: police services, fire services, neighborhood services, and support services. The consortium will collect data and conduct benchmarking between jurisdictions and against common standards to find the best practices in each of these areas. It will also develop a national database of information on this topic. For information or to participate, contact Audre Hoffman or Gerard Hoetmer at 202-962-3630 (phone) or (e-mail). |
National Academy of Public Administration
1120 G Street, NW, Suite 850
Washington, DC 20005
Contacts: Chris Wye, Director, Program on Improving Government Performance
Kathy Keeley, Director, Alliance for Redesigning Government
The National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization of 450 fellows. The Academy was founded in 1967 as a national resource of advice and expertise; in 1984, it received a congressional charter to identify emerging issues of governance and provide practical assistance to federal, state, and local governments. Among the 42 projects under way in 1996 are an assessment of the implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act by the Academy Panel on Improving Government Performance. Chaired by Academy fellows Harry Hatry and Harry Finger, the Panel offers expert advice on goal setting, performance monitoring, and regular reporting. In addition, NAPA's Alliance for Redesigning Government is connecting people across the continent who are making government work through a twice-monthly news bulletin, The Public Innovator; design labs on high-performance work organizations and the Oregon Option intergovernmental experiment; and The Public Innovator Learning Network on the World Wide Web (
National Association of State Budget Officers
Hall of States
400 N. Capitol Street, NW, Suite 299
Washington, DC 20001-1511
The National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) is involved in ongoing research into state budget initiatives and developments and publishes its findings in the semiannual The Fiscal Survey of States, the annual State Expenditure Report, and the biennial Budget Processes in the States. Other NASBO reports include Capital Budgeting in the States: Paths to Success, Restructuring and Innovations in State Management, and Performance Measures Resources.
National Conference of State Legislatures
1560 Broadway, Suite 700
Denver, CO 80202
The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is a bipartisan national organization of state legislators and their legislative staff. It aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of state legislatures; to ensure states a strong, cohesive voice in the federal decisionmaking process; and to foster interstate communication and cooperation. Its State Services Office in Denver is a clearinghouse for current information and a source of technical assistance to legislatures on a wide range of issues. NCSL's Fiscal Affairs Program monitors state budget and tax policy developments including legislative initiatives to improve accountability for government performance. Affiliate organizations include the National Legislative Program Evaluation Society and the National Association of Legislative Fiscal Officers.
National Governors Association
Hall of States
444 N. Capitol Street, NW, Suite 267
Washington, DC 20001-1572
The National Governors Association (NGA) serves as a vehicle through which governors influence the development and implementation of national policy and apply creative leadership to state problems. NGA keeps the federal establishment informed of state needs. Its Office of State Services shares information on innovative programs among the states and provides technical assistance to governors on a wide range of issues. Its Center for Policy Research undertakes demonstration projects and provides research on important policy issues. NGA also maintains and publishes materials on state management, including total quality management efforts.
National League of Cities
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
The National League of Cities (NLC) offers training, technical assistance, and information to municipal officials to help them improve the quality of local government. It conducts research programs and seminars. The League develops and pursues a national municipal agenda that can meet the future needs of cities and help cities solve critical problems they have in common.
National Performance Review
750 17th Street, NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006
Fax: 202-632-0390
Contact: Beverly Godwin
With the September 1993 publication Creating a Government That Works Better and Costs Less Vice President Gore's National Performance Review (NPR) launched the Clinton administration's effort to improve the way government functions. More than 30 publications and a video have followed that initial study, all of which tell the story of thousands of federal employees at work in reinvention teams and in reinvention labs nationwide who are helping to make government work better and cost less.
Principles of the National Performance Review
We will invent a government that puts people first, by:
The Private Sector Council
1101 16th Street, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036
Contact: Bob Musser, Project Manager
The Private Sector Council (PSC) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public service organization dedicated to assisting the federal government improve its efficiency, productivity, and management through a cooperative effort of the public and private sectors. PSC is privately funded by member companies representing the nation's largest corporations, private businesses, and associations. At no cost to the government, qualified executives from PSC's member companies work on select projects which are cooperatively defined, but initiated by government department and agency senior management. Through PSC projects, efficient and modern business methods developed in the private sector are introduced to government to improve the management of the nation's operations.
The Reinvention Center
U.S. Department of Labor
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N2609-FPB
Washington, DC 20210
Contact: Michael Urquhart, Acting Director; e-mail:
The Reinvention Center offers consulting facilitation and training services to the entire federal government community. The center helps organizations improve their performance and focus on results through a variety of tools that aim to eliminate unnecessary and non-value-added work, collect and use customer information to identify problems and set priorities; and empower employee teams to set goals and achieve results. The Center also assists federal agencies in building labor-management partnerships.
Southern Consortium of University Public Service Organizations
Stennis Institute of Government
Depot Building, PO Box LV
Mississippi State University, MS 39762
Contact: Dr. W. Martin Wiseman, Director, 601-325-3328
The Southern Consortium of University Public Service Organizations (SCUPSO) is an association of university-based institutes that provide training, research, and consultative services in several key areas including goal setting and performance measurement to public sector organizations. SCUPSO was organized in 1979 to encourage the exchange of information and facilitate cooperative research and service activities. The following states are represented in SCUPSO: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Southern Growth Policies Board
P.O. Box 12293
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Contact: Linda Hoke, Senior Program Manager; e-mail:
The Southern Growth Policies Board (SGPB) is a consortium of 14 southern states Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia and Puerto Rico which was formed in 1971 by the region's governors. It is charged with creating strategies for economic development that address the diverse, interrelated factors affecting the South's economic base. The Board is actively involved in the area of government accountability stemming from recommendations made by the 1992 Commission on the Future of the South. In its final report, entitled Measure by Measure: The South Will Lead the Nation, the Commission urged southern states and local governments to institutionalize methods and processes that would provide greater accountability for results.
The Strategic Leadership Forum
435 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1700
Chicago, IL 60611-4067
The Strategic Leadership Forum (formerly The Planning Forum) of the International Society for Strategic Management monitors new developments in planning and strategic management, conducts research, evaluates complementary and conflicting information, and disseminates information and viewpoints on issues and tools related to corporate performance. The Forum is the world's largest membership organization for business leaders charged with improving the competitive position of their companies. Its membership includes board of directors members, chief executive officers, line and staff executives, academicians, and representatives of the world's leading consulting firms specializing in business strategy. Any person with an active interest in strategic management is eligible for membership and may contact the Forum for information.
The Urban Institute
2100 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Contact: Harry Hatry, Director, State and Local Government
The Urban Institute is a nonprofit policy research organization which was established in 1968. Its objectives are to sharpen thinking about society's problems and efforts to solve them, improve government decisions and their implementation, and increase citizen awareness of important public choices. Originally focusing on urban problems, the Institute's research agenda now includes the study of national issues that reflect, respond to, and at times anticipate the changing needs of our society. The Institute's State Policy Center responds to current policy problems and priorities by conducting program evaluations and providing planning strategies and monitoring systems for federal, state, and local agencies. Analysis focuses on public management, economic development, and law and behavior. The Institute provides expertise to government agencies seeking to improve services, efficiency, and performance. Recently, Institute researchers helped the U.S. Department of Education develop procedures to track progress in implementing educational reform in all the states and monitor the performance of some of the agency's smaller educational programs. Staff also helped design methods for the U.S. Justice Department to track annual performance, including the outcomes of litigation work conducted by its Civil Rights Division. Researchers are also helping United Way organizations and their service delivery agencies better measure the results of their services. The Urban Institute helped develop the CD-ROM Applying Performance Measurement: A Multimedia Training Program, and is a partner in the Performance Measurement Consortium. Harry Hatry, a leader in the field of performance measurement, and other experts at the Urban Institute have numerous works in this area.