Columbus, Ohio Field Hearing
The Commission on Affordable Housing and Health Facility Needs for Seniors in the 21st Century held its second field hearing at the Ohio Statehouse on September 24, 2001. The hearing was sponsored by the Association of Ohio Philanthropic Homes, Housing, and Services for the Aging and the Ohio Department of Aging. Congressman Patrick Tiberi (R-OH) joined the Commission for the opening session. The second field hearing follows the Commission's July field hearing Syracuse, New York. The Commission has chosen to address elements of its seven-point mandate at each field hearing. The focus at Columbus was financing strategies. The next field hearing will be November 7, 2001 at the San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina and will be hosted by the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging in conjunction with its 40th Annual Meeting. Photos of Ohio Hearings
Prepared Testimony
Introductory Remarks
Remarks of Co-Chair Ellen Feingold
Congressman Patrick Tiberi
Joan Lawrence, Director Ohio Department of the Aging
Clark Law , President/CEO, AOPHA
Panel 1 - Streamlining Financing of Housing and Health Services
Janice Monks , Executive Director, ASC
Karen Kerns-Dresser, Chief of Policy & Program, Ohio Capital Corp.
Thomas Slemmer, President/CEO, National Church Residences
Peter A. Kaprielyan , Vice President of Planning & Marketing, Friends Life Care at Home
Harvey Shankman, Executive Director, Eliza Bryant Village, Cleveland
Panel 2 - Public Financing
James Logue, Executive Director, Michigan State Housing Development Authority
Sarah Carpenter, Executive Director, Vermont Housing Finance Agency
Nancy Andersen, Manager of Rental Development Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency
Jeff Sacks, Brown, Rudnick, Freed & Gesmer
Panel 3 - Private Financing
William Colson, President, Holiday Retirement Corp.
Jeff Ferguson, Executive VP, Marriott Senior Living Services
Cynthia Flaherty, Director, Central & South Ohio Partnership Office, Fannie Mae
Mark Schulte, Chairman/CEO, Brookdale Living Communities, Inc.
James Clifton, VP of Economics & Housing Finance, Manufactured Housing Instititute
Public Session
Christiane Pepe, Executive Director Elder Services Network of Central Ohio
Robert Jenkins et al, Coming Home Program for Affordable Assisted Living NBDC Development
Betty Verlie and Norman Myers, The AOPHA Resident Forum
Joel Guerin, Tempur-Medical, Inc
Jo Schmidt, Westminister Thurber Community