News Release
Who's Invited
- Communicators from federal, state, local, and tribal government, including members of the Federal Communicators Network
- Fellows in the Senior Fellows Program of the Council for Excellence in Government
- Other government employees who care about communicating good government
- Professors and students from schools of journalism and public administration
FREE Communicators Guide
- You'll receive our hot-off-the-press Communicators Guide for Federal, State, Regional, and Local Government Communicators. This 64-page guide, developed by communication experts in government and the private sector, has tips on everything from building media relationships to writing for the web to
communicating in a crisis. Reviewers loved it -- and you will too. After the
seminar we will make it available online.
- We've got speakers, panels, and breakout workshops. We'll keep you thinking, listening, learning, asking questions, and networking from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring your lunch or buy it in the Natcher Center cafeteria.
Directions and Hotels
- The Seminar will be at the Natcher Center on the National Institutes of
Health campus in Bethesda, MD. Take metro. The stop is Medical Center on the
Red Line and is accessible for people with disabilities. General parking,
which is limited, costs $12. Free parking for people with disabilities is
available in the visitor parking lot.
- The Federal Communicators Network and the Senior Fellows Program of
the Council for Excellence in Government are sponsoring this second annual
event. Have we mentioned it's free?
- Learn how government communicators can better present to the media
government's goals, activities, and accomplishments
- Get specific tools and approaches to get your agency's messages
across more effectively
- Gain an appreciation for journalists' perspectives on government
- Learn how to build effective working relationships with media
- Discuss how e-gov and e-media are changing everything.
Speaker Bios
- You'll hear from well-known journalists, academics, and media representatives, along with public servants whose job it is to let the public know what government is doing and achieving.
Planning Team
More Information
- E-mail Pat Gould or leave Donise Cheeks a
message at (202) 694-0092.