World Wide Web of Education Is FREE
The reviews
are in and the United States Department of Education has a hit.
Now playing nightly (and daily) in a classroom, homeroom, living
room near you...wherever there is a computer connected to the Internet.
And it's FREE.
Is NOT Your Father's 4-H Club
Department of Agriculture's 4-H program is embracing technology
at full speed on the rural information superhighway. And an intergenerational
partnership -- Teens Teaching Seniors -- brings 4-H teenagers and
senior citizens together for fun and funny tutorials on how-to-surf-the-net.
Revolution Will Kill 20th Century Dinosaurs
demands of the Information Revolution will kill our 20th century
dinosaurs -- those organizations that cannot, or will not, adapt
to the new global realities of the next millennium," said Office
of Personnel Management Janice LaChance.
HUD Broadcasts Online
and Urban Development's Webcasts let people attend events "live"
through the web. If a citizen or business partner can't make the
broadcast time, no problem. Each live broadcast is archived and
becomes part of HUD's video library, allowing access, 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
With Technology
The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded
Schools for a New Millennium grants to 20 schools nationwide. They
will become models of how to use computer technology to enrich teaching
of the humanities. NEH also maintains EDSITEment, a gateway site
that presents the 49 best sites out of more than 65,000 humanities-related
sites. Each site comes with lesson plans offering suggestions on
how to use the materials effectively in the classroom.
We're Looking for
As the number
of government employees declines, the remaining employees must rely
on technology to do their jobs. Technology training is essential
for every employee from headquarters executives to front line employees.
And technology can facilitate training, whether it is about policy,
procedures, or technical know-how.
Access America E-Gov E-Zine is looking for stories about federal agencies, or
multi-agency partnerships, that are using information technology
and telecommunications to train their workforce. Subject areas can
range from basic computer competence and advanced systems and Internet
applications to the agency's strategic vision and mission.
These stories
can be short, as in a "byte" of about 150 words, or they can be
longer feature stories. Write feature stories in plain language
with quotes from federal officials and employees who can attest
to the benefits of training staff in the use of technology and using
distance learning and network delivery to train their workforce.
Include a
contact person with phone number and email address. Send your stories
to pat.wood@npr.gov or pat.smith@gsa.gov.
If you need more information, call Pat Wood, National Partnership
for Reinventing Government, (202) 694-0063. Please pass this request
along to others who may be interested.