Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century
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Released by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy on September 20, 2004, An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century contains the Commission's findings and recommendations for a new, coordinated and comprehensive national ocean policy. The other materials listed below are supporting documents, including the Special Addendum to the Final Report, appendices printed in the main report, and appendices printed as separate documents. The final report can be viewed or downloaded as a full report or by sections, including the executive summary, specific chapters and appendices.
You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to open these documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free. (Note: These are large files. If you experience an error when you click on the link to open the file in your browser window, right-click on the link first and then download the file to your desktop.) |
Chapters 1-31
Printed in the Main Report (Appendices
Appendices Printed as Separate Documents
Addendum to the Final Report
An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century Final Report of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy (pdf, 18.4 MB)
Matter & Table
of Contents (pdf,
928 Kb)
Summary (pdf, 1.2 MB)
I - Our Oceans: A National Asset
1: Recognizing Ocean Assets and Challenges (pdf,
2 MB)
Chapter 2: Understanding
the Past to Shape a New National Ocean Policy (pdf,
296 Kb)
Chapter 3: Setting the
Nation's Sights (pdf,
496 Kb)
Primer on Ocean Jurisdictions: Drawing Lines in the Water (pdf, 156 Kb)
II - Blueprint for Change: A New National Ocean Policy
4: Enhancing Ocean Leadership and Coordination (pdf, 676
Chapter 5: Advancing
a Regional Approach (pdf,
588 Kb)
Chapter 6: Coordinating
Management in Federal Waters (pdf,
572 Kb)
Chapter 7: Strengthening
the Federal Agency Structure (pdf,
264 Kb)
III - Ocean Stewardship: The Importance of Education
and Public Awareness
8: Promoting Lifelong Ocean Education (pdf, 728 Kb)
IV - Living on the Edge: Economic Growth and Resource
Conservation along the Coast
9: Managing Coasts and their Watersheds (pdf, 596 Kb)
Chapter 10: Guarding
People and Property against Natural Hazards (pdf,
300 Kb)
Chapter 11: Conserving and
Restoring Coastal Habitat (pdf,
620 Kb)
Chapter 12: Managing Sediment
and Shorelines (pdf,
464 Kb)
13: Supporting Marine Commerce and Transportation (pdf, 1.7
V - Clear Waters Ahead: Coastal and Ocean Water Quality
14: Addressing Coastal Water Pollution (pdf, 964 Kb)
Chapter 15: Creating
a National Monitoring Network (pdf,
644 Kb)
Chapter 16: Limiting
Vessel Pollution and Improving Vessel Safety (pdf,
344 Kb)
Chapter 17: Preventing the
Spread of Invasive Species (pdf,
564 Kb)
18: Reducing Marine Debris (pdf, 344 Kb)
VI - Ocean Value and Vitality: Enhancing the Use and
Protection of Ocean Resources
19: Achieving Sustainable Fisheries (pdf, 1 MB)
Chapter 20: Protecting
Marine Mammals and Endangered Marine Species (pdf,
336 Kb)
21: Preserving Coral Reefs and Other Coral Communities (pdf,
1.1 MB)
22: Setting a Course for
Sustainable Marine Aquaculture (pdf,
312 Kb)
23: Connecting the Oceans
and Human Health (pdf, 580
24: Managing Offshore Energy
and Other Mineral Resources (pdf,
488 MB)
VII - Science-based Decisions: Advancing Our Understanding
of the Oceans
25: Creating a National Strategy for Increasing Scientific Knowledge (pdf,
612 Kb)
26: Achieving a Sustained,
Integrated Ocean Observing System (pdf,
308 Kb)
27: Enhancing Ocean Infrastructure
and Technology Development (pdf,
312 Kb)
28: Modernizing Ocean Data
and Information Systems (pdf,
300 Kb)
VIII - The Global Ocean: U.S. Participation in International
29: Advancing International Ocean Science and Policy (pdf,
596 Kb)
IX - Moving Ahead: Implementing a New National Ocean
30: Funding Needs and Possible Sources (pdf, 592 Kb)
31: Summary of Recommendations (pdf,
Index (pdf,
Part X: Appendices Printed in the Main Report (pdf, 824 Kb)
Appendix A to the Final Report - Oceans Act of 2000
Appendix B to the Final Report - Acronyms Appearing in the Report
Appendix C to the Final Report - Living Near ... and Making a Living From ... the Nation's Coasts and Oceans by Charles S. Colgan
Appendix D to the Final Report - Glossary of Federal Ocean and Coastal-related Commissions, Committees, Councils, Laws, and Programs
Appendix E to the Final Report - Proposed Structure for Coordination of Federal Ocean Activities
Appendix F to the Final Report - Congressional Committees and Subcommittees with Jurisdiction over Ocean and Coastal Issues
Appendix G to the Final Report - Detailed Costs Associated with Recommendations of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy(top)
Appendices Printed as Separate Documents (Special Addendum and Appendices 1-6)
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Special Addendum to the Final Report
Governors' Comments on the Preliminary Report
Originally released by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy on July 22, 2004, Governors' Comments on the Preliminary Report was re-released on September 20, 2004, as a Special Addendum to the Final Report. As directed by the Oceans Act of 2000, this document contains the complete text of the responses from 37 governors, five tribal leaders, and one regional governors association. A summary (pdf, 112kb) of Governor and Tribal Leader comments is also available for viewing or download.
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Appendix 1 to the Final Report
Testimony Before The U. S. Commission On Ocean Policy: Synthesis Indexed By Policy Topic
You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to open these documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free. (Note: These are large files. If you experience an error when you click on the link to open the file in your browser window, right-click on the link first and then download the file to your desktop.) |
Originally released by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy in June 2003, Testimony Before the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy: Synthesis Indexed by Policy Topic (pdf, 3.7 MB), was re-released on April 20, 2004, as Appendix 1 of the Commission's Preliminary Report, and on September 20, 2004, as Appendix 1 of the Final Report. The document highlights the presentations made to the Commission at its public meetings from September 2001 through November 2002.
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Appendix 2 to the Final Report
Testimony Before The U. S. Commission On Ocean Policy: Summary Indexed By Presenter
Originally released by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy in June 2003, Testimony Before the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy: Summary Indexed by Presenter (pdf, 7.9 MB) was re-released on April 20, 2004, as Appendix 2 of the Commission's Preliminary Report, and on September 20, 2004, as Appendix 2 of the Final Report. The document includes overviews of invited testimony and public comment before the Commission at its public meetings from September 2001 through April 2003.
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Appendix 3 to the Final Report
National Marine Educators Association Membership Profile
Originally released by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy as Appendix 3 to the Preliminary Report, National Marine Educators Association Membership Profile (pdf, 14.6 MB) was re-released on September 20, 2004, as Appendix 3 to the Final Report. The purpose of this survey was to collect baseline data regarding formal and informal efforts in marine and aquatic education based on responses from the National Marine Educators Association membership, and to provide an analysis of the responses to the Commission's Research, Education and Marine Operations Working Group.
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Appendix 4 to the Final Report
U.S. Ocean-Related Academic Infrastructure
Originally released by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy as Appendix 4 to the Preliminary Report, U.S. Ocean-Related Academic Infrastructure (pdf, 1.9 MB) was re-released on September 20, 2004, as Appendix 4 to the Final Report. This document is an evaluation of the U.S. investment in academic ocean sciences research and education, and was prepared to address part of the Oceans Act of 2000 requirement for an overall assessment of existing and planned ocean and coastal facilities.
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Appendix 5 to the Final Report
Inventory of U.S. Ocean and Coastal Facilities
Originally released by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy as Appendix 5 to the Preliminary Report, Inventory of U.S. Ocean and Coastal Facilities (pdf, 8.2 MB) was re-released on September 20, 2004, as Appendix 5 to the Final Report. As required by Congress, this document provides an assessment of existing and planned facilities associated with ocean and coastal activities, including human resources, vessels, computers, satellites, and other appropriate platforms and technologies.
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Appendix 6 to the Final Report
Review of U.S. Ocean and Coastal Law: The Evolution of Ocean Governance Over Three Decades
Released in February 2005 as Appendix 6 to the Final Report, Review of U.S. Ocean and Coastal Law: The Evolution of Ocean Governance Over Three Decades (pdf, 3.1 MB), provides a descriptive review of ocean and coastal laws-the key governing statutes and selected issues that have evolved since the release of the Stratton Commission report-in a number of policy areas including ocean jurisdictions, coastal management, living and nonliving marine resources, water pollution, and marine operations.
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