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8/6/99: Naval Sea Systems Command Will Move Two Teams to Private Sector

Performance Based Organizations

Model PBO Legislation




Coverting to a PBO

Draft Agency Legislation

Other Countries

Page updated on 8/06/99

Welcome to our Performance-Based Organizations (PBOs) web page. A PBO is a government program, office, or other discrete management unit with strong incentives to manage for results. The organization commits to specific measurable goals with targets for improved performance. In exchange, the PBO is allowed more flexibility to manage its personnel, procurement, and other services. You will find the initial collection of documents related to PBOs. This collection will expand as our experience grows.

The concept of PBOs was launched in Vice President Gore's speech at the National Press Club on March 4, 1996. In that speech, he spoke of ways agencies could deal with the reality of "Governing in a Balanced Budget World." The first of six basic concepts was PBOs.

On January 11, 1997, at the Blair House retreat, the President and the Cabinet discussed second-term priorities, including PBOs. (See Blair House Papers, January 1997.)

Performance Based Organizations

Model PBO Legislation




Converting to a PBO

This Guide is for federal entities interested in becoming a performance-based organization. The guide is targeted at two audiences--agency leaders and agency technical specialists in areas such as personnel and procurement. The overview and appendices A, B and F will be of interest to agency leaders because they explain the general framework for a Performance-Based Organization, provide the legislative language that can be used to develop a PBO proposal, and describe the role of the Chief Operating Officer. Appendices C, D and E are more technical and provide detailed information on management flexibilities available in personnel, procurement, and support services.

Draft Agency Legislation

Other Countries

For more information on Performance-Based Organizations, contact John Kamensky, National Partnership for Reinventing Government, (202) 694-0009 or e-mail:

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