For Immediate Release
CAIB PA 42-03
Date: October 28, 2003
Contact: |
Laura Brown, 202-267-3455 |
Columbia Accident Investigation Board Releases Vols. II-VI of Final Report
ARLINGTON, VA - The Columbia Accident Investigation Board today released Vols. II-VI of the CAIB's Final Report. These volumes contain appendices that provide the supporting documentation for the main text of the Final Report contained in Vol. 1, which was released on Aug. 26, 2003.
These appendix materials were working documents. They contain a number of conclusions and proposed recommendations, several of which were adopted by the CAIB in Vol. I. The other conclusions and proposed recommendations drawn in Vols. II-VI do not necessarily reflect the views of the CAIB but are included for the record. When there is conflict, Vol. I takes precedence. It alone is the CAIB's official statement.
Hard copies of Vols. I-VI are available through the Government Printing Office for a fee. Those copies can be ordered from the GPO's website,
There will be no press briefing about the release of Vols. II-VI.
Press Releases