EPA Labor and Employee Relations


Agency: Environmental Protection Agency

Title: EPA Labor and Employee Relations

Background Information

EPA Administrator Carol Browner has taken an inclusionary approach at her agency to the partnership concept. Rather than limiting the EPA's agency-level partnership council to those unions holding national recognition, Ms. Browner included the presidents of all the unions representing EPA workers in a two-hour meeting. She suggested to the group that they form an agency partnership council with senior management, which they agreed to do. This group also agreed that it would first create guidelines for partnership relationships at the local level and planned for joint training for both union and management council members in interest-based bargaining and conflict resolution for this Spring. EPA has already involved the unions in local and agency wide streamlining plans as well as day-to-day decision making. Finally, union representatives will be invited to attend an EPA labor and employee relations workshop.

Main NPR Category: Employee Empowerment

Contact Person: Thorne W. Chambers

Contact Phone: (202) 260-4467

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