Commission on the Intelligence of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction Seal Commission on the Intelligence of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction
Joint Statement of the Co-Chairmen of the Commission on the
Intelligence Capabilities of the United States
Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction

May 9, 2005

The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction is deeply saddened by the death of Lloyd N. Cutler.

Lloyd served as one of the original Commission members until his declining health last summer prevented him from fully participating in the Commission's meetings and activities. Nevertheless, he continued to offer his personal support and counsel to the commission. He requested that portions of the draft report be read to him at his home by the staff. His insightful comments were incorporated into the Commission's final report.

Lloyd's influence on a wide range of important issues, within government and in the private sector, will have a lasting and significant impact on the legal profession and our Nation. His wise counsel and genteel manner will be greatly missed by all who were fortunate to be associated with him.

On behalf of the Commissioners and staff, we extend our condolences to the Cutler family, his associates and his friends on the passing of this great American.

Commission Co-Chairs:

The Honorable Charles S. Robb The Honorable Laurence H. Silberman