Commission on the Intelligence of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction Seal Commission on the Intelligence of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction
Joint Statement of the Co-Chairmen of the Commission on the
Intelligence Capabilities of the United States
Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction

March 29, 2005

The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction will provide its completed report to the President on March 31, 2005.

Throughout its existence, the full Commission has met for 26 days and commissioners have spent significant time preparing and reviewing the report's content either in the Commission's offices or at secure office facilities made available around the country.

One or more of the commissioners have participated in all the principal interviews conducted at its Arlington, Virginia offices.

The Commission report will be available at

Commission Co-Chairs:

The Honorable Charles S. Robb The Honorable Laurence H. Silberman