Allard Beutel Headquarters, Washington (Phone: 202/358-4769)
Dave Drachlis Stafford-Covey Task Group, Houston (Phone: 256/651-4713)
9/13/2004 |
The Stafford-Covey Return to Flight Task Group has postponed its Sept. 16 public meeting. But the task group will have a media opportunity by telephone conference as previously scheduled.
The task group continues to conduct fact-finding and to discuss with NASA progress on the milestones toward implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board recommendations. However, due to the potential impact of Hurricane Ivan to members of the task group who live in its projected path and the need for further discussion and review prior to closure of any additional Space Shuttle Return to Flight actions by the task group, the decision was made to postpone the public meeting. Available members of the task group will meet as planned this week in Houston to continue their fact-finding activities.
The task group's co-chairman Richard O. Covey will be available to answer media questions about the status of task group activities during telephone news conference at Noon EDT on Thursday, Sept. 16. News media desiring to participate should contact Shannon Bach at 281/792-7523, no later than 10 a.m. EDT Thursday for access instructions.
Media who do not want to ask questions can listen to the "monitor only" lines by calling: 321/867-1220, -1240, or -1260.
The Stafford-Covey Task Group was chartered by NASA to perform an independent assessment of NASA's implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board's recommendations. The group is co-chaired by retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General, and Apollo commander, Thomas P. Stafford, and Covey, who is a former Space Shuttle commander.
Additional information on the Return to Flight Task Group is available at:
http://returntoflight.org |