Col. James C. Adamson, U.S. Army (Ret.)
CEO, Monarch Precision, LLC
Maj. Gen. William A. Anders, U.S. Air Force Reserve (Ret.)
Dr. Walter D. Broadnax
President, Clark Atlanta University
Dr. Kathryn I. Clark
President, Docere (consulting firm specializing in science and education)
Mr. Benjamin A. Cosgrove
Col. Richard O. Covey, U.S, Air Force (Ret.), Co-Chair
President, Boeing Service Company
Dr. Dan L. Crippen
Former Director, Congressional Budget Office
Mr. Joseph W. Cuzzupoli
Vice President and K-1 Program Manager, Kistler Aerospace Corporation
Dr. Charles C. Daniel
Engineering Consultant
Dr. Amy K. Donahue
Assistant Professor of Public Policy, the University of Connecticut
Gen. Ronald R. Fogleman, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
President and Chief Operating Officer, Durango Aerospace Inc.
Ms. Christine H. Fox
President, Center for Naval Analyses
Col. Gary S. Geyer, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
Brig. Gen. (Select) Susan J. Helms, U.S. Air Force
Deputy Director, Operations for Technical Training, Headquarters Air Education and Training Command
Mr. Richard H. Kohrs
Chief Engineer, Kistler Aerospace Corporation
Dr. Rosemary O'Leary
Distinguished Professor of Public Administration and Political Science, Syracuse University.
Ms. Susan Morrisey Livingstone
Policy and Management Consultant
Mr. James D. Lloyd, ex-officio
Deputy Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer, NASA
Lt. Gen. Forrest S. McCartney, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
Dr. Decatur B. Rogers
Dean, College of Engineering, Technology and Computer Science, Tennessee State University.
Mr. Seymour Z. Rubenstein
Aerospace Consultant and Former President of the Rockwell International Space Systems Division
Mr. Robert B. Sieck
Aerospace Consultant
Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Stafford, U.S. Air Force (Ret.), Co-Chair
President, Stafford, Burke & Hecker Inc., technical consulting firm
Mr. Thomas N. Tate
Dr. Kathryn C. Thornton
Professor, School of Engineering & Applied Science, University of Virginia
Mr. William Wegner
Mr. Vincent D. Watkins
Executive Secretary, Return to Flight Task Group
Col. Michael J. Bloomfield, U.S. Air Force
Astronaut Office Operations Officer, NASA
Return to Flight Task Group Staff
Return to Flight Task Group Organization Structure (Acrobat PDF)