Glenn Mahone/Doc Mirelson Headquarters, Washington (Phone: 202/358-1898/1600)
Dave Drachlis Stafford-Covey Task Group, Houston (Phone: 256/544-6538)
7/25/2003 |
NASA Names Return To Flight Task Group Members
NASA today released the names of the Stafford-Covey Return to Flight Task Group (RTFTG). The Task Group, initially announced by the agency on June 13, will perform an independent assessment of NASA's actions to implement the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB).
The Task Group is co-chaired by two veteran astronauts, retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant general and Apollo commander Thomas P. Stafford and Space Shuttle commander Richard O. Covey. Members of the Task Group were chosen from among industry, academia and government experts with knowledge and expertise in fields relevant to safety and space flight.
"We have assembled an unprecedented group of experts for the Stafford-Covey Task Group," said NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe. "I am confident they will provide invaluable advice and expertise. They will help ensure our return to flight efforts exceed quality and safety standards, as we prepare for the next Shuttle mission," Administrator O'Keefe said.
The Task Group will work closely with NASA's Return to Flight team, led by Associate Administrator of Space Flight William F. Readdy and Associate Deputy Administrator for Technical Programs Dr. Michael Greenfield.
The Task Group was organized pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The Task Group consists of non-NASA employees and one NASA non-voting, ex-officio member, the agency's Deputy Associate Administrator for Safety and Mission Assurance, James D. Lloyd. Additional members may be added to the group throughout the return to flight process.
The Task Group will meet as often as required and will conduct at least two public meetings. They will make formal reports to NASA and prepare a final written report, when appropriate.
NASA's Office of Space Flight is providing operating funds, technical and staff support for the Task Group. The initial SCTG budget is $2 million, and the Task Group duration is two years, unless terminated sooner by the NASA Administrator. |