Melissa Mathews Headquarters, Washington (Phone: 202/358-1272)
Dave Drachlis Stafford-Covey Task Group, Houston (Phone 256/651-4713)
8/20/2004 |
The Stafford-Covey Return to Flight Task Group has postponed its planned August 26 public meeting. Because of the postponement, the media teleconference that would have followed the meeting also has been postponed. The next task group public meeting is planned for September.
The task group was to consider the testing and qualification of the Solid Rocket Booster Bolt Catcher (Columbia Accident Investigation Board Return to Flight recommendation 4.2-1), as part of its assessment of NASA's efforts to return the Space Shuttle to flight. However, NASA has advised the task group that it would like time to conduct additional tests and assess the results before it formally presents the bolt catcher package to the task group for closure consideration.
The task group is co-chaired by retired Air Force Lieutenant General and former Apollo Mission Commander Thomas Stafford and Covey, a former Space Shuttle Commander. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA's actions to implement the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board as they relate to the safety and operational readiness of the next Space Shuttle flight.
For information about the task group on the Internet, visit: