Fact-Finding Visit
April 1 - 2, 2004
Kennedy Space Center
Cape Canaveral,
Susan M. Livingstone, center, of the Return to Flight Task Group’s Management Panel monitors a Mission Management Team launch simulation in the firing room during an April 1, 2004 fact-finding visit to the Kennedy Space Center, Fla. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s recommendations.
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Return to Flight Task Group Technical Panel Chair Joseph W. Cuzzupoli, left, discusses a Space Shuttle wing thermal protection system modification with Frank Lin of the Johnson Space Center during a fact-finding visit April 2, 2004 to the Orbiter Processing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the accident investigation board’s recommendations.
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Return to Flight Task Group Technical Panel members and staff are briefed on Space Shuttle thermal protection system modifications under the Shuttle Discovery, during a fact-finding visit to the Kennedy Space Center, Fla., April 2, 2004. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s recommendations.
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Members of the Return to Flight Task Group’s Technical panel inspect the underside of the Space Shuttle Discovery during an April 2, 2004 fact-finding visit to the Orbiter Processing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center, Fla. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s recommendations..
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Members of the Return to Flight Task Group’s Technical Panel are briefed on reinforced carbon carbon wing leading edge panel non-destructive evaluation during a visit to the Space Shuttle Discovery Orbiter Processing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center, Fla., April 2, 2004. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s recommendations.
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Members of the Return to Flight Task Group’s Technical Panel are briefed on reinforced carbon carbon wing leading edge panel non-destructive evaluation during a visit to the Space Shuttle Discovery Orbiter Processing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center, Fla., April 2, 2004. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s recommendations.
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Return to Flight Task Group Technical Panel Chair Joseph W. Cuzzupoli receives a briefing on NASA’s efforts to implement the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board during an April 2, 2004 fact-finding visit to the Kennedy Space Center, Fla. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the accident investigation board’s recommendations.
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Sy Rubenstein, a member of the Return to Flight Task Group’s Technical listens to a presentation on NASA’s efforts to implement the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board during an April 2, 2004 fact-finding visit to the Kennedy Space Center, Fla. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the accident investigation board’s recommendations.
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Dr. Charles C. Daniel, a member of the Return to Flight Task Group’s Technical Panel reviews a presentation on NASA’s efforts to implement the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board during a fact-finding visit to the Kennedy Space Center, Fla., on April 2, 2004. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the accident investigation board’s recommendations.
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Members of the Return to Flight Task Group’s Technical Panel are briefed on NASA’s progress in implementing the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board during an April 2, 2004 visit to the Kennedy Space Center, Fla. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the accident investigation board’s recommendations.
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Members of the Return to Flight Task Group’s Technical Panel discuss NASA’s progress in implementing the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board during an April 2, 2004 visit to the Kennedy Space Center, Fla. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the accident investigation board’s recommendations.
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