Fact-Finding Visit
November 9 - 10, 2004
Michoud Assembly Facility
New Orleans,
Return to Flight Task Group Co-chairman Richard O. Covey, right, discusses Space Shuttle External Tank preparations with Return to Flight Planning Team Leader, Jim Halsell, and during a fact-finding visit to the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans Nov. 9 and 10, 2004. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s return-to-flight recommendations.
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Return to Flight Task Group members and staff inspect the Space Shuttle External Tank being prepared for the STS-114 mission during a visit to the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans Nov. 10, 2004. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s return-to-flight recommendations.
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Members of the Return to Flight Task Group participate in a fact-finding meeting at the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans Dec. 9 and 10, 2004. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company’s Michoud Operations builds the External Tank for NASA at the facility. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s return-to-flight recommendations.
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Eugene Sweet, Liquid Hydrogen Tank/Intertank Flange Team lead for Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company’s Michoud Operations, briefs members of the Return to Flight Task Group on progress with redesign of the Space Shuttle External Tank during a fact-finding visit to the New Orleans plant Dec. 9 and 10, 2004. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s return-to-flight recommendations.
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Eugene Sweet, Liquid Hydrogen Tank/Intertank Flange Team lead for Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company’s Michoud Operations, briefs members of the Return to Flight Task Group on progress with redesign of the Space Shuttle External Tank during a fact-finding visit to the New Orleans plant Dec. 9 and 10, 2004. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s return-to-flight recommendations.
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Return to Flight Task Group Technical Panel lead, Joe Cuzzupoli participates in a fact-finding meeting on the status of Space Shuttle External Tank redesign during a visit of the task group to the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans Dec. 9 and 10, 2004. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company’s Michoud Operations builds the External Tank for NASA at the facility. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s return-to-flight recommendations.
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Return to Flight Task Group Management Panel lead, Dr. Dan Crippen receives a briefing on the status of Space Shuttle External Tank redesign during a visit of the task group to the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans Dec. 9 and 10, 2004. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company’s Michoud Operations builds the External Tank for NASA at the facility. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s return-to-flight recommendations.
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Return to Flight Task Group Co-chairman Richard O. Covey participates in a fact-finding meeting on the status of Space Shuttle External Tank redesign during a visit of the task group to the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans Dec. 9 and 10, 2004. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company’s Michoud Operations builds the External Tank for NASA at the facility. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s return-to-flight recommendations.
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Return to Flight Task Group member Richard Kohrs receives a briefing on the status of Space Shuttle External Tank redesign during a visit of the task group to the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans Dec. 9 and 10, 2004. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company’s Michoud Operations builds the External Tank for NASA at the facility. The task group is chartered to make an independent assessment of NASA’s implementation of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board’s return-to-flight recommendations.
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