following entries are public comments received electronically by
the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy following the release of the
Preliminary Report on April 20, 2004. Comments are grouped by topic
Please note that each public comment is listed only once, under
a single topic area. Some comments included in each grouping may
also address other topics from the Preliminary Report. However,
cross-referencing was not possible due to time constraints.
You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to open this document. Adobe
Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free. (Note: If you experience
an error when you click on the link to open the file in your browser
window, right-click on the link and download the file to your desktop.)
Topics (pdf,
836 kb)
Topics - Continued (pdf, 5.7 MB)
Multiple Topics
- Continued 2 (pdf,
2.4 MB)
Aquaculture (pdf,
200 kb)
Clean water/water
monitoring (pdf,
384 kb)
Climate Change (pdf,
156 kb)
Coastal Zone (pdf,
176 kb)
Corals (pdf, 148
Cultural Heritage (pdf,
208 kb)
Education (pdf,
816 kb)
in the Report (pdf,
108 kb)
Fish and Fisheries (pdf,
1.8 MB)
Funding (pdf,
156 kb)
Governance (pdf,
1.7 MB)
Hazards (pdf,
228 kb)
Human Health (pdf,
112 kb)
Issues (pdf,
444 kb)
Species (pdf,
692 kb)
Debris (pdf,
140 kb)
Marine Reserves
and Marine Protected Areas (pdf,
Offshore Development
and Energy (pdf,
3.4 MB)
Governance (pdf,
136 kb)
Research Education
and Marine Operations (pdf,
1.7 MB)
Restoring Coastal
Estuaries (pdf,
384 kb)
Sediments (pdf, 148 kb)
Shipping and Marine Commerce (pdf,
368 kb)
Supportive Comments (pdf,
2.4 MB)
Tribal Interests (pdf,
524 kb)
Turtles (pdf,
140 kb)
Vessels (pdf, 252 kb)
Revised November 22, 2004 by Ocean Commission Webmaster
Site hosted by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce