National Partnership for Reinventing Government Recommendations Database Search
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Note, there are currently more than 1,400 recommendations in the database, so this list is very long and might take few minutes to load on your browser!
September 1998
Introduction to the Database
The (then) National Performance Review’s September 7, 1993 report,
From Red Tape to Results, contained 384 major
recommendations. Of these, 254 were directed to major
government agencies and 130 were directed to reforming
governmentwide management systems such as budget,
procurement, financial management, and personnel. Separate
accompanying reports detail the background for these
recommendations and breaks them into about 1,250 specific
action items. NPR’s 1995 report, Common Sense Government,
added over 180 new recommendations.
Until March 1998, NPR tracked the implementation of these specific action
items by asking agencies to report on their progress every
six months. NPR summarized the highlights for the Vice-
President each spring and published a summary in a report to
the President each fall through 1997. NPR also provided the full text of
all the status updates provided by the agencies to the
General Accounting Office which periodically reviews the
accuracy of agencies’ self-reported progress. The GAO’s
assessment of progress in implementation has been published
in two major studies, Management Reform: Implementation of
the National Performance Review’s Recommendations, 12/5/94,
(GAO/OCG-95-1) and Management Reform: Completion Status of
Agency Actions Under the National Performance Review,
6/12/96, (GAO/GGD-96-94).
NPR no longer tracks the 1993 and 1995 recommendations because
the majority of them have been implemented, sometimes in ways
that we could not foresee. The years have also brought new challenges
and new ways to address old issues.
Users Guide
The status reported in this version of the database is based
on reports from the implementing agencies provided in March 1998.
Some of the Initiatives have been updated to reflect
legislative activity through March 1998. The narratives
are written largely in abbreviated technical language; the
associated accompanying report should provide additional
context for understanding the status narrative.
Please note that the existence of a bill pending in Congress
containing an NPR initiative does not necessarily mean that
the administration supports all provisions of that bill.
For a fuller description of the individual initiatives,
please refer to the associated accompanying report in our
(1993 NPR Systems Reports and 1993 NPR Agency Reports).