

This section lists and summarizes useful publications on performance management and related topics. It includes guides; case studies; indices and reviews; federal, state, and local documents; other bibliographies and general references; and other useful material. The section is divided into three parts:

Publications by Organization

Look for this sign and the key words listed below to identify items in this section for each topic listed.

Key WordTopic(s) Key WordTopic(s)
auditPerformance Auditinginvest Investment
account Accountabilitylocal Local Focus or Specific Local Case Studies
benchBenchmarking / Best Practicesmanage Performance Management
budget Performance-Based Budgeting / Financial ManagementmeasureMeasures / Performance Measurement
customer Customer Surveys / Customer Satisfactionmfr General Managing for Results
evaluate Evaluation plan Planning
federalFederal Focus or Specific Federal Case Studiesreport Reporting
international International Focus or Specific International Case Studiesstate State Focus or Specific State Case Studies

Alliance for Redesigning Government

American Society for Public Administration

Local Case Studies

State Case Studies Federal Case Studies Other papers discussed at the 1996 ASPA conference include the following:

Chief Financial Officers Council

Congressional Budget Office

Joyce, Philip G. "Using Performance Measures for Federal Budgeting: Proposals and Prospects."
Public Budgeting and Finance, Winter 1993, 3-17.

In this article, Philip Joyce, an analyst in the Special Studies Division of the Congressional Budget Office, focuses
on two portions of the main CBO study: the status of the current federal performance measurement efforts, and
specific observations designed to inject a note of caution into the debate about performance measurement and
budgeting. The author believes that the primary focus of efforts to manage for results should be on developing
the right measures, reporting them accurately, and then using them as a tool for agency management. He does
not advocate using them as a resource allocation tool, arguing that it will take time to get the measurements right,
and thus, they should not be used to influence budgeting in the near term.

Council of Governors Policy Advisors

To order publications from the Council of Governors Policy Advisors, contact NGA Publications, P.O. Box 421, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0421, 301-498-3738.

International City/County Management Association

To order the above items, or to request a catalog of publications, contact the ICMA Distribution Center at 1-800-745-8780 within the United States or 301-498-1227 from outside the U.S.

National Performance Review

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

To order these publications, contact the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Publication and Information Center at 1-800-456-6323; visit the OECD Web site at for information on additional publications.

Productivity Press

For information on other publications or to order, call 1-800-394-6868. The Productivity Press online catalog can be accessed at

Southern Growth Policies Board

To order any of these publications, contact the Southern Growth Policies Board at 919-941-5144 (phone) or e-mail your request to

State Governments








For information and on-line publications from these states, see the Web Sites section of this guide.

U.S. Department of Defense

U.S. Department of Justice

U.S. Department of the Treasury

U.S. General Accounting Office

The first copy of each GAO report and testimony is free. Additional copies are $2 each. To order, call 202-512-6000. If you have access to the Internet, these reports are available at the GAO Web site at

U.S. Office of Management and Budget

For additional information contact Office of Management and Budget, Budget Review and Concepts Division, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20503, 202-395-6934.

Accessing OMB Documents Electronically

Government Performance and Results Act related information is available on the FedWorld Online
Computer System of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Files available for downloading
include: P.L. 103-62, The Government Performance and Results Act and Committee Report; Draft
Implementation Plan
and fact sheets summarizing the act's requirements; and correspondence from
the Office of Management and Budget to federal agencies regarding implementation of the act. Reports,
articles, and studies from various sources, including the General Accounting Office, the Congressional
Budget Office, and federal agencies, are also available. FedWorld is a free service offered by NTIS
that can be accessed via modem by dialing 703-321-8020 or via Internet using Fedworld.Gov as a
telnet or FTP address The files described above are in the
"RESULTS" library. While in the "RESULTS" library, be sure to consult the publication, CFO Role
in GPRA Implementation.
Its bibliography of key publications cites more than 20 items from OMB
that offer guidance in implementing GPRA.

Another Internet location that contains the "OMB Primer on Performance Measurement," the
Department of Justice Performance Measures Guide, and other GPRA related publications can be found
at gopher://

The Urban Institute

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