"Reinventing the Government . . . By the People" .....................S/N 040-000-00649-4
Report of the National Performance Review.................S/N 040-000-00592-7
Creating a Government That Works Better & Costs Less:
Status Report, September 1994.....................................S/N 040-000-00646-0
Putting Customers First: Standards for Serving the
American People..........................................................S/N 040-000-00647-0
Common Sense Government: Works Better & Costs Less..... S/N 040-000-00662-1
Putting Customers First 95: Standards for Serving the
American People..........................................................S/N 040-000-00663-0
Reinvention's Next Steps: Governing in a Balanced
Budget World..............................................................S/N 040-000-00671-1
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