

This handbook was authored by a special task force of the Human Resource Development (HRD) Council. The HRD Council—a group of officials from 22 major departments and agencies nominated by the President's Management Council—works in partnership with the Office of Personnel Management to develop strategies, policies, and programs that support individual and organizational performance across the federal government.

We are indebted to the leadership and support of the HRD Council Executive Committee, especially the co-chairs, Melinda McMillon Darby, Department of Defense, and Roy Tucker, Department of Health and Human Services. We are also grateful for the continuous dialogue with our colleagues on the HRD Professionalism Committee, a dialogue which helped us shape the design and sharpen our focus.

Dr. Lex Dilworth provided valuable ideas and resources—his own as well as from his graduate students at Virginia Commonwealth University. Finally, three dedicated professionals helped us bring the pieces together and meet tight deadlines: Nita Congress, technical editor extraordinaire, and Denise Meares and Barbara Ruffino. They made us all look good.

Members of the Task Force
Marjorie L. Budd, Ph.D., Department of Defense,
Task Force Leader and Primary Author
David Amaral, Department of the Navy
Randy Bergquist, Department of Transportation
Paul Longanbach, Office of Personnel Management
Amy Van Skiver, Department of Agriculture

Message       Foreword       Table of Contents