Submitted by Commissioners John A. Gose,
Edith H. Jones and James I. Shepard
The value of the Commission's report lies not only
in the proposals which were adopted but in the hundreds
of pages of supporting text, as well. Given that the
report may stand as a paradigm for the creation of not
only future legislation, but scholarly debate and
judicial guidance for years to come, it is essential
that the text truly reflects the findings and
conclusions of the Commission. In many ways, the
supporting text, which will be seen as a resource for
guidance in understanding the Commission's motivations
and goals, is nearly of equal importance with the
proposals themselves. If the text misstates the
significance of the events that led to the adoption of
any particular proposal those that read and rely on the
report as the only written statement of what the
Commission recommends will be mislead; the
presentations of the Commission's findings and
conclusions can easily become a vehicle for creating
false impressions. The process by which the report and
supporting text were created is therefore of extreme
importance. If the process fails to honor the
integrity of the Commission's work the report itself
will fail and the public will be deceived.
To that end, therefore, in reading the report the
following must be clearly understood:
- While the individual proposals were debated and
adopted over the preceding two years, the draft
versions of the report, containing the proposals
and their supporting text now appearing in the
report, for the most part, were not given to the
Commissioners for their review and comments until
shortly before the deadline for submission of
dissents; the vast bulk of the hundreds of pages
of text was not delivered to the Commissioners
until two or three days before. Within a few days
of the submission of our dissents we had never
seen the consumer and business bankruptcy
chapters, two of the most significant sections of
our report; the list of proposed items to be
included in the appendix did not arrive until the
day the dissents were due.
- The drafts provided were constantly augmented and
substantially changed with each version; the
changes were not identified as would be done with
normal drafting techniques, except occasionally;
the Consumer Bankruptcy and General Chapter 11
sections grew by approximately 80 pages between
drafts, which, given the limited amount of time
available, rendered their review almost
impossible. Thus, those Commissioners writing
dissents were required to chase a moving target;
it was extremely difficult to identify, analyze
and respond to new material as each iteration
arrived - it was nearly impossible to write a
dissent without knowing what the report contained.
- Largely created by the reporter, the report
contains many interpretations and
characterizations which often do not reflect the
Commission's work. The report, for instance, does
not reveal that the Commission never voted to
endorse any theory for the increase in consumer
bankruptcy filings and, in fac, split five to four
on most consumer recommendations; or that
meaningful debate on many significant issues was
very limited or nonexistent - the "Consumer
Framework" was presented as a "take-it-or-leave-it" package, with no opportunity to identify
discrete problems and proposed solutions.
- The report fails to reflect the Commission's vote
on each proposal, which on many critical issues
was divided five to four; the report does not
indicate that the Commissioners' views on many
issues were deeply polarized and that there was
little attempt to create a consensus. There is no
indication of the depth and nature of this chasm
as to the Commissioners' philosophical and
practical positions in regard to the consumer
bankruptcy crisis and its potential solutions.
The statement that certain proposals maintain
"balance" within the system or that certain
proposals "enhance the integrity" of the system
are nothing more than value judgements, personal
opinions intended to create a more favorable
reception for the views expressed; "balance," like
beauty, is entirely in the mind of the beholder.
- The Kowalewski report, which has been made a part
of the appendix, is identified in the appendix
table of contents as a report of the Congressional
Budget Office. While the cover letter
accompanying the report is printed on
Congressional Budget Office letterhead stationary,
the analysis and conclusions are clearly Mr.
Kowalewski's and not those of the CBO. The
inclusion of Mr. Kowalewski's report in the
appendix when it has not been studied or discussed
by the Commission at any of its proceedings is
entirely gratuitous - this is just another
skirmish in the reporter's fight with the credit
card industry. While we have no strong feelings
for the credit card industry this oleaginous
approach is simply not fair.