The members comprising the Commission were appointed by the President, Congress and Chief Justice. It was originally chaired by former Congressman Mike Synar who resigned on December 19, 1995 and died on January 9, 1996. On March 29, 1996, Brady C. Williamson, Esq. of Madison, Wisconsin was appointed by the President to the Chair.
Commission Members
- Chairman: Brady C. Williamson, Esq., Wisconsin
- Vice Chair: Hon. Robert E. Ginsberg, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, Illinois
- Jay Alix, CPA, Michigan
- M. Caldwell Butler, Esq., former Member of Congress, Virginia
- Babette A. Ceccotti, Esq., New York
- John A. Gose, Esq., Washington
- Jeffery J. Hartley, Esq., Alabama
- Hon. Edith Hollan Jones, U.S. Circuit Judge, Fifth Circuit, Texas
- James I. Shepard, Esq., California
Commision Reporter/Consultant
- Elizabeth Warren, Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Commission Advisors
- Lawrence P. King, Charles Seligson Professor of Law at New York University
- Stephen H. Case, Esq.
Commission Advisor/Data Project
- Lynn LoPucki, A. Robert Noll Professor of Law at Cornell University Law School
Commission Staff
- Susan Jensen-Conklin, Esq., General Counsel
- Elizabeth I. Holland, Esq., Staff Attorney
- Melissa B. Jacoby, Esq., Staff Attorney
- Judith K. Benderson, Esq., Legislative Counsel and Press Officer
- Jennifer C. Frasier, Esq., Volunteer Staff Attorney
- George Singer, Esq., Volunteer Staff Attorney
- Heinrich J. Losemann, Jr., Esq., Associate Attorney
- Joe Kuehne, Administrative Officer