There is a dearth of timely, accurate bankruptcy data. Of the data that exist,
little is available to the public. Further, there is no consistency in the data that are
reported, and the reports that are available are splintered among several federal
agencies and 94 bankruptcy districts (in which, collectively, 200 separate clerks'
offices keep records). About the only data accurately reported are the number of
bankruptcy cases actually filed. The data extracted from the debtors' petitions and
reported to the Administrative Office of the United States Courts ("AO") are often
inconsistent with the data contained in the same debtors' schedules and statements
of financial affairs. A recent study documented the extent of these inconsistencies
and some of the causes(2389), but no study has yet been done to test the accuracy of the
data as initially reported by the debtors. As a consequence of this (and other factors
discussed below) data that in turn are reported by the various central reporting
agencies to the public are likewise inaccurate, to an unknown extent.
The data problem is further exacerbated by the fact that the central reporting
agencies are in two separate branches of government(2390). The Executive Office of the
U.S. Trustee ("EOUST") is a part of the executive branch in the United States
Department of Justice, and the AO is a part of the judicial branch. Each of the two
central reporting agencies follows its own statutory mandate, as each should, but the
result is that the data that are available are reported in piecemeal fashion or not
reported at all. Because of this structure, there is no centralized data bank from
which statistics based on all the data are available.
The following Proposals are intended to deal with a central problem
identified by the Commission: bankruptcy data collection is currently highly
decentralized and local, with little means available to aggregate the data from various
sources. Data about bankruptcy cases now come from five different sources:
- The clerks of the bankruptcy courts (there are approximately 200
separate clerks' offices);
- The United States Trustees (there are 21 regional U.S. Trustees, each
with its own set of files);
- The Washington, D.C., based AO (which oversees the clerks'
- The Washington, D.C., based EOUST (which provides general
supervision of the United States Trustees); and
- The private trustees who act in Chapter 7, 11, 12 and 13 cases.
Each of the nearly 200 bankruptcy clerks, and each of the 21 regions of the
U.S. Trustee Program ("USTP"), maintains their own separate databases to facilitate
their operations. The 1200 Chapter 7 trustees and the 180 Chapter 12 and 13 trustees
each maintain records and data in the offices for the cases they handle. The AO
collects, reports, and analyzes on a national basis a small fraction of the data
collected by the clerks; similarly, the EOUST collects a small amount of information
from the regional United States Trustees.
Upon the basis of these findings, and other relevant considerations, all as
more fully described below, the Commission hereby proposes the following:
4.1.1 Establish as policy that all data held by bankruptcy clerks in
electronic form, to the extent it reflects only public records as
defined in Bankruptcy Code § 107, should be released in
electronic form to the public, on demand.
4.1.2 Establish and fund a pilot project to aggregate the data from
their various sources, particularly bankruptcy clerks, and make
that data available to the public in electronic form, on demand.
4.1.3 Secure limited-duration appointment of a coordinator, who, with
the head of the AO's office and the head of EOUST, would be
charged with the duty of:
(1) making recommendations to increase the accuracy
of the debtor's petitions, schedules and statements;
(2) setting the data-collection goals;
(3) coordinating the bankruptcy data-collection
efforts of the central reporting agencies; and
(4) reporting on an annual basis to the Congress, the
Chief Justice, and the President.(2391)
4.1.4 Establish a bankruptcy data system in which (1) a single set of
data definitions and forms are used to collect data nationwide
and (2) all data for any particular case are aggregated in the
same electronic record.
4.1.5 Maximize the number of documents filed electronically and
maximize open-to-the-public remote electronic access to all data
for free, or at the lowest possible cost.
Since the 1970's, there has been a recognized need for detailed, accurate, and
reliable information about the bankruptcy system. Unfortunately, this need is still
largely unfulfilled.
The commission report of 1973, which in part led to the current Bankruptcy
Code,(2392) found that such information was necessary to efficient bankruptcy
administration. As one study noted at the time: "Because of such extensive
variations in local practice and financial conditions, we feel that the performance of
the current bankruptcy system will continue to defy all but the crudest analysis until
more uniform policies and practices are established and essential data elements can
be collected as a routine part of processing each case."(2393) The commission included
in its recommendations to Congress, therefore, the creation of a national system of
bankruptcy administration that would have among its duties the collection and
dissemination of empirical data about the bankruptcy system.(2394)
Almost a quarter century has passed since this Recommendation. In that
time, Congress has passed three major pieces of bankruptcy legislation and created
a national bankruptcy administrator in the form of the United States Trustee System.
Nevertheless, the evidence is clear that there is still a dearth of timely, accurate
bankruptcy data.
There is a need for more timely, accurate and consistent bankruptcy data.
While a relatively small amount of centrally reported information is readily available,
those interested in more detailed data must seek it separately from several federal
agencies and 94 bankruptcy districts. Not surprisingly, this diversity of sources
brings with it inconsistencies among data cited in support of various observations
about the operations of the bankruptcy system. Also, the expense of the effort means
that many highly useful studies cannot be conducted. Thus, data-related information
received by the Commission reflected numerous examples of conflicts in existing
data. There appears to be no method under the current system of resolving these
conflicts, according to the various proponents of enhanced data.
This lack of data imposes severe limitations on assessments of the bankruptcy
system. This information, if capable of national collection and aggregation and made
widely available, would serve a wide variety of purposes. For example, it would
provide an additional tool for judicial decision-making, it would assist in scholarly
research about the bankruptcy system, it would aid in the development of bankruptcy
policy, the allocation of bankruptcy resources and the formulation of bankruptcy
legislation. Now, policy and decision-makers are too often left largely with
anecdotes as the primary basis for their conclusions and proposals. The empirical
studies that do exist are based on a small sampling that has been manually and
laboriously compiled, and the conclusions of these studies cannot be updated without
similar effort.
Also, this information would be of immense use to all who are involved in
the bankruptcy system. The absence of reliable information about the bankruptcy
"marketplace" leaves parties unable to develop reasonable expectations about what
they can expect from the process.
In short, the bankruptcy system operates behind a veil of darkness created by
the lack of reliable data about its operations. The lack of information about "what
is going on" in the bankruptcy system leads to a distrust of its results--a belief by
some that creditors, debtors and professionals within the system are all somehow
taking advantage of one another and the public at large, and that the system suffers
from widespread fraud, abuse and inefficiency.
Accurate and reliable bankruptcy data are essential to understanding and
evaluating the operation of the nation's bankruptcy laws.(2395) Accurate data could
assist in answering such questions as whether bankruptcy enhances distributions to
unsecured creditors, whether Chapter 11 debtors fully perform under their plans, how
much particular types of cases cost or whether cases are expeditiously processed by
the courts. Accurate centralized data also could shed light on other important
questions of interest to Congress, the judiciary and other users of the bankruptcy
system -- debtors, creditors, scholars and even future commissions.
The quality and completeness of available bankruptcy data and statistics have
recently undergone significant review by the two central reporting agencies. As
required by statute, each agency collects and produces data culled from the
bankruptcy petition, schedules and statements to evaluate its performance and
provide feedback to certain users, such as Congress, the judiciary and bankruptcy
Certain data collected by these agencies are identical. For example, each
agency gathers information on the debtor's name and address as well as summary
information on the debtor's estimated assets and liabilities as of the petition date.(2397)
Although the clerk of each bankruptcy court provides U.S. Trustee offices with
limited electronic data on case filings on a regular basis, each of hundreds of offices
maintains its own separate databases, and there are some difficulties with
compatibility even among clerks' offices and among U.S. Trustee offices.
Consequently, it is prohibitively expensive to access all available data and difficult
even to compare data from one clerk's office with data from another. Both
organizations are aware of these problems and are working toward solutions that
would allow for the free exchange of data.
Sophisticated software now in use in many bankruptcy clerks' offices can
capture huge amounts of data. The database in use in the clerk's office in the U.S.
Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, for instance, has categories
("fields," to the computer literate) for the preservation of approximately 1,000
different items of information about each case.
The Commission has not ascertained how extensively this software is used
-- in Wisconsin or elsewhere. The important thing is this: the capability is there.
Given the 1.3 million bankruptcy filings this year in the United States, the magnitude
of public use of the bankruptcy system demands that the maximum amount of data
be collected and that it be available for systematic study. Given the existence of the
sophisticated software, the courts and their clerks ought to do at least two things with
- Use it to the fullest extent its capability permits; and
- Make the data in it electronically available to anyone in the public
who wants to view it and study it.
Given this software, the data in the computers of the bankruptcy clerks is (or,
relatively easily, could be) extensive and may be accurate. The problem is that it is
not accessible. The Commission's strongly held view is that more data should be
collected, and all of it should be easily and publicly accessible electronically. Other
significant problems are the absence of any clear statutory mandate to release
information and the lack of any formal coordination in the data collection efforts of
the AO and the EOUST.
Accuracy-of-Data Issues
The problems of the fragmented collection of data, the lack of centralization
of data and the lack of electronic access by the public to existing data are
compounded by persistent problems with the accuracy of the data that do exist.
To a certain extent, the very nature of bankruptcy makes it difficult to obtain
accurate data from debtors, especially at the beginning of the case. Debtors often file
for bankruptcy on the eve of foreclosure or under other severe financial pressures,
which are likely to be accompanied by poorly maintained financial records. Thus,
debtors may simply lack financial information that even begins to approach accuracy.
There is no meaningful procedure or penalty for inaccurate information unless it rises
to a criminal violation. Lawyers who sign the petitions are rarely disciplined under
Rule 9011 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. There is no real incentive
for either the debtor or the lawyer to ensure the accuracy of the initial documents that
are filed. As this report describes, there are chronic inconsistencies, in the same case,
between the initial data filed with the petition and the data filed in the schedules and
statements of affairs. But more of the data that are (or easily could be) in clerks'
computers do not come from debtors -- it is generated by the operation of the court
itself. No thorough study of the accuracy of these court data has been made.
There is no point in expanding the gathering and dissemination of data unless
the data are reliable. Accordingly, the Commission recommends that data filed with
petitions, schedules and otherwise (such as disclosure statements in Chapter 11) be
reviewed by random audits conducted under the supervision of the U.S. Trustee.
Further the Commission recommends that the bankruptcy courts be empowered to
impose appropriate sanctions in appropriate cases on those responsible for filing
false, inaccurate or misleading data. However, the Commission does not recommend
that lawyers be held responsible for false information provided by clients and others,
as long as the lawyer complies with any applicable rules, including those requiring
a reasonable basis for what lawyers file with courts.
Bankruptcy Data Today: Who Collects It, Why They Do It, and How
1. Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Since 1948, the AO has been charged with the responsibility of, inter alia,
reporting on the business transacted by the 94 bankruptcy districts, examining the
state of the courts' dockets, securing information on courts' needs, and preparing and
transmitting, semiannually, statistical data to the chief judges of the various
circuits.(2398) These statistical data are reported annually to the Judicial Conference of
the United States, the Congress and the Attorney General. These data are used by the
judiciary to forecast case filings, ascertain needs of the judiciary for people and other
resources, allocate staff and resources, and assist in case management.(2399) These
data(2400) are published in a variety of formats, including in the "F-Tables" of the
Judicial Business of the United States Courts, the Federal Judicial Caseload
Statistics, and Statistical Tables from the Federal Judiciary. Notwithstanding these
publications, the AO also receives approximately 150-250 requests each month for
additional data from many third-parties. Although not required to do so, the AO
makes every effort to satisfy these requests.
Improvements over the last 25 years in available technology have enhanced
the ability of the AO to collect and disseminate its bankruptcy data. For example,
nearly all of the bankruptcy courts offer electronic public access to their records
through the PACER Service Center, which is headquartered in San Antonio, and
functions through separately operated affiliate service centers.(2401) PACER access
typically brings to the users' screens only the name of the case, the case number, and
a few other items of information in many districts. In certain districts, the user can
access docket sheets. The AO plans to centralize the search capabilities of the
PACER system by creating the U.S. Party/Case Index, which will be a national index
for the federal appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts. For 60 cents a minute, users
will be able to search this system by name or social security number in the
bankruptcy index, name or nature of the suit in the civil index, defendant name in the
criminal-case index and party name in the appellate index.(2402) Despite the vast
improvements in data accessibility, however, the amount and quality of the data
continue to suffer from lack of inter- and intra-agency uniformity as well as the
failure to aggregate data.(2403) In addition, by statute, the AO collects data for its own
internal administrative purposes, not for the purpose of monitoring the efficient
operation of the Bankruptcy Code. Although the AO has no statutory duty to collect
data for extra-agency purposes, it is imperative that such "public interest" data are
collected on a regular and aggregate basis.
2. The United States Trustee Program
The United States Trustees gather a variety of data to support their statutory
responsibilities under 28 U.S.C. § 586 in the administration of bankruptcy cases and
oversight of private trustees appointed in cases under Chapters 7, 11, 12 and 13 of
the Bankruptcy Code. The United States Trustees gather case-related information
and docketing information. They also collect information about how assets and
monies are marshaled and distributed in bankruptcy cases, such as information on the
financial operations of Chapter 11 debtors, distributions to creditors (mostly in
Chapter 7 and 13 cases) and amounts paid to attorneys, trustees and other appointed
professionals compensated out of bankruptcy estates.(2404)
A small portion of this information is reported to the Executive Office for
United States Trustees, where it is aggregated and national statistics compiled.
Except for the data centrally gathered by the EOUST, there is no national or multi-regional compilation of data collected by the United States Trustees outside of their
individual regions. Each of the 21 regions maintain a separate data base, known as
the Automated Case Management System ("ACMS").(2405) On older systems, ACMS
has a limited number of fields in which to collect and retain data. Also, it does not
have all of the data-management flexibility of more modern databases. Each ACMS
database is regularly purged every several years because of limitations in storage
In its current budget, the United States Trustee Program is seeking funding
to redesign its case management system, link the regional databases, and establish a
National Bankruptcy Research Database for improved collection and reporting of
information from the 21 United States Trustee regions. However, like the courts and
the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, the collection of data by the
U.S. Trustees is currently almost entirely decentralized, the data systems in each
office lack the ability to communicate with one another, and the collection and
reporting of information varies somewhat from region to region. These factors make
it extremely difficult to collect and analyze information nationally. These data are
not regularly published in any format, moreover, but are available only upon request
to a regional office.(2406)
In summary, the data collection efforts of the AO and the EOUST are divided
among, respectively, nearly 200 clerks' offices and 21 regions. To the extent that
these offices use data protocols to enhance the reliability of their data, these protocols
are not uniform among the other offices, and the offices' computer systems lack the
ability to communicate with one another. Although the AO and the EOUST each use
one primary operating system in their field offices, these systems are not used in all
districts. The quality and accessibility of the bankruptcy data greatly suffer from this
decentralization and lack of uniform protocols.
Legislation recently proposed by Congressmen Bill McCollum (R-Fla.) and
Rick Boucher (D-Va.) would greatly augment the gathering of statistics in consumer
cases. It would require clerks to gather data under guidelines from the AO about (1)
total assets, liabilities, income and expenses of debtors as reported in the schedules;
(2) aggregate debt discharged, (3) average length between commencement and
closing of cases; (4) data about reaffirmations; (5) in Chapter 13 cases, the incidence
of judicial findings that collateral was worth less than the secured debt and the
number of cases dismissed for failure to make payments; and (6) the incidence of
filings by debtors who had filed other cases for themselves within the preceding six
years.(2407) While the data called for by this legislation are data that should be
collected, the legislation could -- and in the view of the Commission should -- go
further in three respects: (a) it should adopt the electronic filing and remote access
concepts described in this report -- i.e., the data as recorded should be electronically
available to everyone, not just reported by the AO, (b) it should endorse and expand
the requirement that data in databases maintained by the clerks be electronically
accessible by the public, and, (c) the amount and type of data covered should be
greatly expanded.
Diversity of Views About the Future: How Much is Achievable? How Soon?
The Commission has found, in numerous conversations with government
officials and with non-governmental observers, a remarkably wide diversity of views
about the subject of bankruptcy data and what ought to be -- and can be -- achieved.
Everyone consulted endorsed the need for more data, better data and more
quickly available data. However, below this abstraction, strong differing views
present themselves.
1. Impressive ideas from the non-governmental sector
Currently available data technology could revolutionize access to data about
the bankruptcy system. A principal opportunity to enhance data availability exists
at the most fundamental levels: the lawyers and others who file papers in the
bankruptcy courts and the clerks of court.(2408) Other enhancement opportunities
abound. For instance, the Bankruptcy Code and Rules require every debtor to file
extremely detailed schedules and statements of financial affairs. Right now, these
are typically filed with the courts on paper (even if they exist in machine-readable
form in the word processors of the lawyers who prepare them). Today, access to
these data usually requires a researcher to procure the "hard copy" from the
courthouse, photocopy it and then do her or his own data entry into the researcher's
software to study and process it.
On a pilot basis, some bankruptcy courts now permit documents like these to
be filed by electronic transmission from the debtor's lawyers' office -- the debtor's
lawyer would use a modem to transmit the filing directly into the court clerk's
computer. The AO expects that the electronic method of filing papers will be
nationwide in a short number of years.(2409) Also, as noted above, through the PACER
system, in certain districts the full text of at least some docket sheets and certain
other limited data in bankruptcy cases are accessible on the screen of any computer
where the user has arranged access to PACER.
Despite PACER, the most serious problem with the bankruptcy data system
is lack of offsite, electronic access to data that are already (or easily could be)
computerized. To solve the problem does not require more money, better computers,
or more programming. It requires merely that the bankruptcy clerks release the
contents of their databases to the public. Copies of the databases could be made
from the clerks' own nightly backups (collecting for backup purposes in one file all
the data input during the day using the existing, 1,000-field software), by anyone in
the public who wanted it. For instance, entrepreneurs might obtain it, and
redistribute--or even resell it--over the Internet or otherwise(2410). Such entrepreneurs
could recover the cost of copying through user fees or advertising. Given the
tremendous value of the data in the clerks' databases, private firms will compete to
reformat and customize the data for use by numerous constituencies. The data would
then be available to judges, parties to cases, credit reporting agencies, journalists,
scholars, and members of the public -- with real-time access to customized data at
astoundingly low cost and amazing speed.(2411)
Subject to a full opportunity for public debate about the privacy issues that
inevitably will arise, the Commission without reservation endorses the release of
those portions of the clerks' databases that reflect matters of public record--that is,
substantially all of them.
2. Views Expressed By Public Officials
All of the government entities consulted expressed concern that precise
statutory mandates about data collection and dissemination would become outdated
quickly as technology changes faster than statutory law. They also expressed concern
that statutorily-mandated increases in data collection and distribution would not be
adequately funded. Additional concerns were expressed that joint data collection and
distribution by agencies of the executive and judicial Branches would impinge on
important separation-of-powers issues -- both in the abstract, as precedent-setting
matters, and in practice, as to who has authority to do what, as between separate
Another concern expressed by public officials involves personal privacy
issues. For instance, individual debtors who file bankruptcy often have unpaid bills
to physicians and health-care institutions. These creditors file proofs of claim with
bills attached. Sometimes, these bills describe in detail the services provided to the
debtor. They can reveal information about medical and mental-health conditions,
medical procedures and medication that many individuals would strongly prefer to
be confidential.
Today, nearly all information in court files is open to the public, including
these medical records. However, access requires citizens to appear at the courthouse,
wait in long lines, request the papers, wait for them to be found in the files and then
inspect them in the courthouse. Making photocopies often requires waiting in
additional lines and using coin-operated copying machines. These factors create
practical barriers to easy public access to sensitive personal information, such as
medical bills, as well as to critically-necessary information to which the public has
a legitimate need for access. In discussions with the Commission, public officials
expressed concern, on the one hand, that making too much sensitive information like
this available to anyone with a computer terminal might result in intense
Congressional scrutiny. On the other hand, the maintenance of these economically-wasteful barriers to information cannot possibly be considered a reasonable long
range solution to the problem. A bankruptcy data system for the information age
requires, first, a determination of the information that should be publicly available
and, then, a determination to make it available with maximum ease and minimum
Concerns about medical bills attached to proofs of claim ought to have no
ultimate bearing on the determinations made by Congress. Attachments to proofs of
claims are not digitized under current practice, so they would not be included in the
databases the Commission proposes to release. Nor is the Commission aware of any
information that is digitized under current practice that should not be released for
reasons of privacy. The facts of bankruptcy cases and their processing by the courts
are legitimate matters of public interest, and the availability of bankruptcy data can
play an important, positive role in commerce.
Types of Reporting
Various Proposals have been made for a wealth of additional reporting.
These include concepts and data categories such as the following, catalogued from
Recommendation 73 of the Long Range Plan for the Federal Courts:
Pro Se Cases
In Forma Pauperis Cases
Payments of Filing Fees in Installments
Whether a Case is a Business Case or a Consumer Case
Refinement of the "Nature of Business" Classifications
Adjustment of the Creditor, Asset and Liability Ranges
Demographic Information on Debtors
Better Breakdown of Types of Debts
Reasons Why the Debtor Filed
Section 707(b) Motions to Dismiss
Reaffirmation Agreements
Adversary Proceedings
Contested Matters
The Operation and "Success" of Chapter 11 Cases
Chapter 12 and 13 Cases
Disposition of Cases
Professional Fees Requested and Awarded
Distributions to Creditors
Information to Detect Fraud
Information for Administrative Purposes
Information on Visiting Judges and Retired Judges
The Commission believes that specific determinations as to the foregoing
should be made by the task force the Commission proposes. The Commission notes,
however, that nearly all of this information could be culled from the existing
databases of the bankruptcy clerks if those databases were made available.
One specific matter calls for comment. It is now a fairly widespread practice
for trustees in Chapter 7 and 11 cases to file final reports including data about
amounts collected and distributed to creditors, among other things. Present law
already may require final reports in all Chapter 11 cases - through a complex chain
of provisions scattered throughout the statute. Bankruptcy Code Section 1107
imposes on the debtor in possession the "duties" of a chapter 11 trustee under, among
other things, Section 1106(a)(1). The duties under Section 1106(a)(1) include a duty
to perform the Section 704(9) duties imposed on a Chapter 7 trustee. In turn, Section
704(9) requires the Chapter 7 trustee to "make a final report and file a final account
of the administration of the estate with the court and with the United States trustee."
Some courts explicitly require these reports under their local rules. However,
the Commission is aware anecdotally that these reports are rarely filed in large
Chapter 11 cases in the Northeastern states, but that they are routinely filed in other
areas. In any event, the Commission believes that a clear statutory requirement for
filing final reports based on uniform reporting forms, would be a beneficial addition
to the administration of Chapter 11 cases.
The Commission believes that the task force it proposes should examine the
establishment of national standard forms for these reports and the means to make
them accessible and searchable on the Internet along with the rest of the contents of
the clerks' databases. The Commission is suggesting that the regular (usually
monthly) reports now filed by most Chapter 11 debtors on locally-prescribed forms
be changed to a uniform national form -- with requirements for cumulative reporting
on the same matters that the Commission recommends for the final report in small
business cases. The background, the basis for and the benefits of this are more fully
discussed in Annex A.
Annex A
Introductory Note
1. Uniform Monthly Reporting for all Chapter 11 Debtors. Most Chapter
11 debtors today file monthly reports. These are filed on locally prescribed forms.
The National Bankruptcy Review Commission has proposed nationally uniform
monthly and other reporting forms for small-business debtors. It seems reasonable
to forecast the possibility of nationally uniform monthly-reporting forms for all
Chapter 11 debtors.
2. Have the Monthly Reports Present Certain Data on an Inception-of-the-Case-to-Date Basis. Based on that forecast, certain data (e.g., suggested below)
should be shown on the monthly forms on a cumulative basis from inception of the
case to the end of the most recent reporting period. This will make every monthly
report into a "final" report on the state of the case through the end of the most recent
reporting period.
3. Discard (For Now) the Concept of an End-of-the-Case Report from all
Chapter 11 Debtors. This approach would replace an idea previously considered by
the Commission that all Chapter 11 debtors be required to file a final report after the
plan has been consummated or the case dismissed or converted. This would bring
Chapter 11 into conformity with Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases, where most U.S.
Trustees and Bankruptcy Administrators require end-of-the-case reports on locally
prescribed forms. While all commentators agreed that this would be a good idea for
Chapter 11, the idea met with skepticism based on two important, practical factors:
How would the duty to file it be enforced? And how could the quality of the data
reported be assured?
While various answers to these questions were "kicked around," none of the
solutions attracted any consensus. Accordingly, the Commission has concluded that
most of what would be contained in the prior concept of a mandatory final report
could be captured if cumulative information were reported on a monthly basis. This
would have the added advantage of allowing anyone at any time to obtain the most
recent monthly report and know quickly how the case was progressing. In addition,
the last monthly report would automatically function, on a de facto basis, as the "final
report" for the case, at least for all of the data reported on a cumulative basis.
The Commission does not think the idea of a mandatory final report should
be abandoned. After all, if these reports are now being filed in virtually all Chapter
7 and 13 cases, it seems odd that they are not required in Chapter 11 cases.
Accordingly, the Commission recommends that, in due course, when and as
appropriate, as the bankruptcy system makes progress in developing broadened skills
and practices about collection and reporting of data, that mandatory end-of-the-case
Chapter 11 reporting be instituted. Until such time as that becomes practical, the
cumulative reporting described below will fulfill many of the purposes addressed by
the concept of the mandatory final report.
Data To Be Reported on a Cumulative Basis
Each monthly report for each Chapter 11 debtor would be required to respond
to each of the following interrogatories, which would be part of the standard form for
monthly reporting. Most of the answers would stay the same for each monthly
reporting period. Hence, once the first report was filed, there would be relatively
little incremental work in updating it each month.
The interrogatories would be:
1. State whether the case was a voluntary case or an involuntary case.
2. State the date of the order for relief.
3. State the number of full months elapsed since the order for relief.
4. Set forth the U.S. Department of Commerce SIC classification for the
debtor's business, together with a brief narrative description of the principal business
activities being conducted as of the date of the order for relief and changes, if any,
since such date.
5. Set forth the number of full-time employees of the debtor(s) as of the
following dates: one year prior to the date of the order for relief; the date of the
order for relief; and, the end of the reporting period covered by this report.
6. Set forth the number of part-time employees of the debtor(s) as of the
following dates: one year prior to the date of the order for relief; the date of the
order for relief; and, the end of the reporting period covered by the report.
7. Set forth the date the schedules and statement of financial affairs were
first filed.
8. Set forth the following with respect to all professionals engaged by the
Name of Professionals Engaged by Such Debtor (Use Name of Firm, Not Individual Professionals Working on Case) |
Date of Entry of Order of Engagement |
Type of Professional Service Provided by Each Such Professional (E.g., accounting, appraisal) |
Aggregate Cumulative Amounts of Compensation and Disbursements Reported Pursuant to Rules for Pre-petition and Allowed by Court Order since Commencement of Case (With Percentage Actually Paid to Date Shown in Parenthetical next to the Dollar Amount Allowed) |
Bankruptcy Only Portion of Amounts Shown in Preceding Column (i.e., Amounts Which Would Not Have Been Incurred Had the Debtor(s) Not Been Debtors in a Bankruptcy Proceeding) |
9. Set forth the following with respect to each committee, examiner,
trustee, mediator or other similar person functioning in the case pursuant to orders
of the court:
Name of Committee, Examiner, Mediator, Trustee or Other Similar Person |
No. of Members of Committee |
Date of Entry of Order Approving Creation or Appoint-ment |
Names of Professionals Engaged by Such Committee, Examiner, Trustee or Similar Person (Use Name of Firm, Not Individual Professionals Working on Case) |
Type of Professional Service Provided by Each Such Professional (E.g., accounting or appraisal) |
Aggregate, Cumulative Amounts of Compensation and Disbursements Allowed by Court Order since Commencement of Case to each Committee Professional, Trustee, Examiner, Mediator or Other Similar Person (With Percentage Actually Paid Shown in Parenthetical next to the Dollar Amount Allowed) |
10. If any trustees, examiners, mediators or other similar persons have
been appointed, set forth the name of each party who filed the motion for the
11. State whether or not the case has been dismissed or converted to
another chapter of title 11, U.S. Code.
12. If "yes" describe briefly the relief provided for in such order.
13. If "yes," state the date of entry of the order producing such dismissal
or conversion and the name(s) of the party(ies) who moved for the order granted and
whether or not any appeal was taken from such order.
14. If such an appeal was taken describe briefly its status as of the end of
the most recent reporting period and if it has been resolved, state what the resolution
of the appeal was and the date of such resolution.
15. State whether any disclosure statements have been filed.
16. If "yes," set forth the name of such disclosure statement, state on whose
behalf it was filed and the date of filing, state whether or not it has been approved
by the court and the date or dates on which the same was approved or on which a
hearing has been scheduled and attach a complete copy of each (incorporation by
reference to prior filings is permitted if there is set forth the name and date of filing
of the prior filing and there have been no supplements or amendments to the prior
17. State whether any plans of reorganization have been filed.
18. If "yes," state on whose behalf it was filed and the date of filing, state
whether or not it has been approved by the court and the date or dates on which it
was approved or on which a hearing has been scheduled and attach a complete copy
of each (incorporation by reference to prior filings is permitted if there is set forth
the name and date of filing of the prior filing and there have been no supplements or
amendments to the prior filing).
19. With respect to each plan filed:
Class of Claims or Interests |
Indicate for Claims Whether Secured, Unsecured, Partly Secured or Subordinated, for Interests Indicate, for Stock, Whether Preferred or Common, for Partnerships Whether Limited or Preferred Or, If Other, Describe Briefly |
Aggregate Allowed Amount of Claims or Interests |
Approximate, Estimated Recovery of Class, Expressed as a Per Cent of Allowed Amount |
Mode of Payment (E.g, All cash; Part Cash and Part Debt; Part Cash and Equity; Part Cash, Part Debt and Part Equity |
Approximated Anticipated Time in Months from Effective Date of Plan to Last Due Date for Making of All Distributions to this Class |
20. State whether any appeal has been taken from any order approving or
disapproving any disclosure statement or plan.
21. If such an appeal was taken, describe briefly its status as of the end of
the most recent reporting period and if it has been resolved, state what the resolution
of the appeal was and the date of such resolution.
Much or all of the data required by these interrogatories may already be in the
clerks' databases. With regard to these data, the clerks' databases are considerably
more accurate that these debtor-composed reports are likely to be. Hence the
Commission regard's these reports as an interim measure, to be required only until
such time as the clerks' databases are effectively made public.
Data Recommendations: A Concurring Note
Lynn M. LoPucki, Senior Adviser, Data Study Project
I fully concur in the report of the Data / Statistics Working Group to the
National Bankruptcy Review Commission. Implementation of the recommendations
in that report will result in a system capable of almost instantly delivering to users
any information in the bankruptcy system digitized more than 24 hours earlier. Such
a system can (1) provide virtually instant feedback to policy makers on nearly any
aspect of the operation of the system, (2) give judges a new and powerful tool for
determining what works and what doesn't, (3) replace PACER and inquires to the
clerks' offices as the primary means for lawyers and parties to obtain information
about their cases, and (4) replace a labyrinth of systems currently planned by the
agencies involved for communicating among themselves. Three of the
recommendations are worthy of highlight and elaboration.
1. The policy that the bankruptcy clerks' databases should be released to the
public. Congress already has established a strong policy in favor of public access to
bankruptcy data. Bankruptcy Code § 107 provides that, with certain minor
exceptions, "a paper filed in a case under this title and the dockets of a bankruptcy
court are public records and open to examination by an entity at reasonable times
without charge." Some public officials have nevertheless argued that the policy
should not apply to bankruptcy data in electronic form and that we should attempt
to maintain the "practical obscurity" of bankruptcy data. Our report rejects those
The mechanism we recommend for giving public access to bankruptcy data
is the same as that proposed by the Article 9 Drafting Committee for giving public
access to data on Uniform Commercial Code filings: the governmental unit in
possession of the database will be required to release copies of the database to the
public. Because the governmental units are not required to prepare the data for
release, the recommendations will not unduly burden the governmental units and
there need be no delay in making the required releases. The problem of formatting
and linking data from disparate computer systems for a wide variety of uses will be
considerable. We anticipate, however, that private firms with the necessary
technological sophistication will format and link the data and make it available
directly to the public on a competitive fee basis.
2. The long-term project of aggregating bankruptcy data. Currently, each
bankruptcy clerk and U.S. Trustee keeps his or her own database. Within broad
limits, each determines what data will be collected and in what form. The effect is
to make the compilation of national statistics impossible with regard to much of the
data. The solution is to establish a single set of data definitions and forms and
mandate their use in all districts and regions.
Once the same data is being collected in all parts of the United States, the
next step will be to aggregate that data in a single database. This will mean, for
example, joining the bankruptcy court's record of a case with the records of the U.S.
trustee and those of the panel trustee for the same case. On the completion of this
project, researchers will be able to conduct nationwide studies of the operation of the
bankruptcy system from a single database.
3. The establishment and funding of a pilot project to aggregate bankruptcy
data from various databases. Because we cannot predict all of the obstacles that
will be encountered, we cannot know for certain how long this project will take.
What we can do is to begin now, with the establishment and funding of an
inexpensive pilot project designed to discover those obstacles and enable us to
estimate the size of this undertaking. The pilot project might include, for example,
the posting of a single clerk's database on the Internet (to determine what
technological problems might be encountered), the comparison of clerks' databases
from different districts (to determine the nature and extent of incompatibility of the
data), or the joining of data from the U.S. Trustee's database with data on the same
debtors from the bankruptcy clerk's database (to determine how difficult it will be
to match records). Taking these actions will also reveal the nature and extent of the
human problems involved, such as those relating to the privacy of the people
described in the data, the effects on employee morale in the bankruptcy system, and
the impact of the new understanding we will gain of how the bankruptcy system
actually works. The only way to finish is to begin.
2389 See Jennifer C. Frasier, Caught in a Cycle of Neglect: The Accuracy of Bankruptcy Statistics, 101 COM. L.J. 307 (1996). Return to text
2390 In compliance with Recommendation 73 of the Long Range Plan for the Federal Courts,
approved by the Judicial Conference in December, 1995, the AO undertook two major projects to
implement the bankruptcy-related mandate of Recommendation 73. They included (1) an audit of
11 bankruptcy courts, including the Central District of California, to determine the accuracy and
completeness of statistics currently gathered, and (2) a review of the present and future statistical
information needs of the judiciary and third-party users of bankruptcy data. The EOUST also has
undertaken efforts to define the accuracy and completeness of its data and improve the collection,
analysis and distribution of bankruptcy data. For example, the EOUST, in conjunction with the
RAND Institute for Civil Justice, held a symposium in April, 1997 attended by over 40 leading
members of the bench, bar, academic community, government, organizations and businesses
interested in the bankruptcy system. Return to text
2391 This report envisions the creation of a temporary joint data committee composed of three
members, including the heads of the AO and the EOUST, and a third member who would chair the
committee on the appointment for a non-renewable five-year term of the Chief Justice. The chair
would report to Congress on an annual basis on the progress of the data committee. Reservations
about this concept, based on separation-of-powers concepts, were expressed to the Commission.
However, the Commission determined to persevere with the concept on the theory that the long-term
benefits of improved data management outweigh creation of a short-term working group that, for a
time, crosses governmental agency lines. Return to text
2392 11 U.S.C. § 101, et seq. Return to text
2393 Dreyfus, Greenwood & Fiorello, The Impact of Proposed Changes in Bankruptcy Administration, 7-8, Rand, WN-8131-COBL (March 1973), quoted in Report of the Commission on
the Bankruptcy Laws of the United States, 111, H.R. Doc. 93-137, 93d. Cong., 1st Sess., Pts. I and
II (1973) (the "1973 Report"). Return to text
2394 Report of the Commission on the Bankruptcy Laws of the United States, H.R. Doc. No.93-137, 93d Cong. 1st Sess., at 120 (1973). Return to text
2395 Janet L. Norwood, Organizing to Count: Change in the Federal Statistical System 1 (1995):
In a democratic society, public policy choices can be made intelligently only when
the people making the decisions can rely on accurate and objective information to
inform them of the choices they face and the results of the choices they make. Return to text
2396 The AO primarily gathers data, such as case dispositions, to measure judicial and administrative efficiency of the courts. The EOUST collects financial information designed to
evaluate its performance in complying with its duties under title 28 of the U.S. Code. Return to text
2397 However, little data are reported for third-party users seeking to evaluate the overall efficiencies of the bankruptcy system. Return to text
2398 28 U.S.C. §§ 604(a)(2), (13) (1948). Prior to 1948, statistical gathering obligations for bankruptcy cases rested largely with the Attorney General of the United States. The Statutes at Large
of the United States of America from March 1897 to March 1899, 559 (1899). For a description of
how the AO gathers bankruptcy data, see Frasier, Caught in a Cycle of Neglect: The Accuracy of
Bankruptcy Statistics. 101 COM. L.J. at 312. Return to text
2399 Bankruptcy Statistics Task Force of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Report of the Bankruptcy Statistics Task Force (not dated), p. 2 (on file with the Administrative Office of
the U.S. Courts). The Statistics Division and the AO collect the following case-opening information:
(1) District/Docket Number; (2) Date of filing; (3) Name of the first listed petitioner or company; (4)
County code and judge assigned to the case; (5) Name of trustee; (6) Type of case (voluntary or
involuntary); (7) Chapter under which petition is filed; (8) Financial data (estimated number of
creditors, estimated assets, and estimated liabilities); (8) Nature of case (business or
nonbusiness/consumer); (9) Organizational structure of business, if applicable; (10) Type of business
(farming, professional, manufacturing); (11) Estimated number of employees; and, (12) Estimated
number of equity security holders (Chapters 11and 12 only). Return to text
2400 The case opening data are electronically transmitted on a daily basis by the bankruptcy clerks' offices to both the AO and the U.S. Trustee offices. Case-closing data, culled in part from
case trustee reports, are provided by the bankruptcy clerks' offices to the AO. These data include::
(1) Case disposition (e.g., discharge granted or denied, petition dismissed); (2) Chapter under which
case terminated; (3) Chapter 11 confirmation information; (4) Chapter 11 percent dividend to be paid;
(5) Future payments contemplated under Chapter 11 plan; (6) Case closing date; and, (7) Financial
data, including fees and expenses of trustee, trustee attorney, and other professional fees and
distributions to creditors and equity security holders. Return to text
2401 United States Courts Pacer Service Center, User Manual for the Pacer U.S. Party/Case Index (not dated) (on file with the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts). Anyone with a
computer and a modem with 9600 baud speed can access the PACER system. Return to text
2402 Id. Return to text
2403 Some contend that the present AO data posting is slow and, therefore, impairs research. This posting, through the University of Michigan, occurs one to two years after the year in which the
data are generated by the courts. The AO does not post the bankruptcy database at all. See Letter
from Lynn M. LoPucki to Commissioner John Gose dated August 5, 1997 (on file with the
Commission). Return to text
2404 Chapter 7 and 13 trustees also separately collect a wealth of data that are used to evaluate their performance and calculate the administrative costs of each case, such as the amount of
money received and disbursed in a Chapter 7 or 13 case, and the amount received by each class of
creditors (secured, unsecured nonpriority, professionals). As with the data of the AO and the U.S.
Trustees, the panel and standing trustees maintain their data in separate databases. These data are not
publicly available. The data maintained by the Chapter 13 trustees are available only to certain
auditors, the U.S. Trustees, and certain creditors who sign privacy agreements. Return to text
2405 It takes approximately 18 months to add a field to ACMS. Telephone conversation with Marcy J.K. Tiffany, U.S. Trustee for Region XVI, Central District of California (Nov. 1, 1996). Return to text
2406 In a pilot project, several regions will be connected to one another on a local area network in September, 1997. By 1999, all 21 districts will be connected by a wide area network. Return to text
2407 See H.R. 2500, Sec. 201 (105th Cong., 1st Sess.). Return to text
2408 See supra at 2202 11, 12 (list of limited data now collected and computerized by court clerks when cases are filed and closed). Return to text
2409 See letter of June 30, 1997 from Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Court to the National Bankruptcy Review Commission, p. 2 (on file
with the Commission). Return to text
2410 A service somewhat like this, using the files of the Federal Election Commission, gives extensive data about who contributes to campaigns for federal elections, by address, by employer and
by several other criteria. It is accessible on the Internet, for free, at Return to text
2411 Recommendation 73 of the Long Range Plan of the Federal Courts, at 3, (attached to letter of Leonidas Ralph Mecham (on file with the Commission)): ". . . wherever feasible, statistics
should be generated as by products of automated Court transactions including docket entries,
electronic filing of documents and automated financial transactions." Return to text