September 27, 2002 Phone: 301-443-8956
President's Mental Health Commission To Focus on Housing Issues
at November Meeting
President Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health will convene
its sixth meeting November 12-14, 2002 in Los Angeles, CA. In an effort
to hear from a broad national audience, the meeting will be the second
held outside of the Washington, DC area. It will focus on issues involving
housing for people with mental illness.
A panel will present various housing programs, including those involving
public-private partnerships and those providing supportive services
for people with mental illness. The November event also marks the
second meeting during which Commissioners will have the opportunity
to make site visits to several area mental health programs.
The Presidential Commission is charged with conducting a comprehensive
study of the mental health services delivery system in the United
States. The Commission, consisting of 22 members appointed by President
Bush, is chaired by Michael F. Hogan, Ph.D., Director, Ohio Department
of Mental Health.
Tuesday, November 12 - SITE VISITS - Media Invited
9 AM - 12 PM / Sheriff's Twin Towers Correctional Facility,
450 Bauchet Street, Los Angeles
10 AM - 12 PM / MHA Los Angeles-The Village, 456 Elm Street,
Los Angeles
1PM - 3PM / Villages at Cabrillo, 2001 River Ave., Long Beach
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM / Prototypes -Women's Center, 845 East Arrow
Highway, Pomona
Wednesday, November 13 - Commission Meeting
Location: Le Meridien Hotel, 465 South La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles
9:30 - 11AM / Panel Presentation, "Housing Opportunities
for Persons with Mental Illnesses"
11AM - 12PM / Public Comment Period.
Thursday, November 14 - Commission Meeting
Location: Le Meridien Hotel, 465 South La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles
9:30 - 10:15AM / Public Comment Period. Slots are available
on a first-to-sign-up basis.
10:15 - 11:45AM / Work Session. Subcommittee Chairs provide
updates on status of subcommittee work.