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The goal is to implement the recommendations of this report as soon as practicable.

5.2 Co-chairs. The President should appoint the Secretary of Agriculture as co-chair of the interim National Drought Council, with a nonfederal co-chair elected by the nonfederal interim Council members. Congress should designate the Secretary of Agriculture as the permanent federal co-chair of the long-term Council, with a nonfederal co-chair elected by the nonfederal Council members.

5.3 Funding. The President should request and Congress should provide administrative funding to support the interim and long-term National Drought Councils.

5.4 Duties and process. The interim and long-term National Drought Councils will be responsible for coordinating the following:

Timely and efficient delivery of existing federal drought programs.

Cooperation and participation among federal, state, local, and tribal interests and private water systems in federal drought assistance opportunities by example and through facilitation.

Program assessments of drought-related assistance efforts.

Determination of which regions have the most pressing need and greatest opportunities to coordinate and implement drought preparedness assistance programs, recognizing the
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National Drought Policy Commission Report 41