Is the New Millennium?
end of the second millennium and the beginning of the third
will be reached on January 1, 2001, says the U.S. Naval Observatory.
No matter what millennium we're in, as one year ends and a new
one approaches, it's a good time to set our system clock with
the official
Much Does
the Environment Affect Our Health?
answers on this website. The National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences does research on environment-related diseases
and health risks and publishes its findings online. You'll find
a wealth of information, including a comprehensive list of health
topics from A to Z.
Efforts to Expand and
Improve Government's Online Services Vice
President Gore announced two new initiatives that will take
us beyond the commercial aspects of electronic commerce and
challenge us to use technology to better society through improved
health care, education, emergency response, protecting our
cultural treasures, and improving government services and
accountability to citizens.
Gets High Customer
Satisfaction Rating for Online Filing The
bad news is: IRS scored low in the first-ever government-wide
customer satisfaction survey in 1999. The good news is: Among
electronic filers the agency earned a higher score than most
businesses. The moral of this story is: file your taxes electronically.