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To get more specific search results, try using the following tips:
Make sure your search terms are spelled correctly. Use quotation marks to find words which must
appear adjacent to each other, for example, "internal revenue
service" Example: "internal revenue service" Use a plus sign (+) when your search term or phrase must appear in the search results. Use a minus sign (-) to indicate undesirable term(s). The plus sign tells the search engine that a certain word or phrase is required in the search results, and a minus sign indicates that a word or phrase must be absent in the search results. Note: A phrase must be contained within quotation marks. Leave no spaces between the plus or minus sign and the term. Example: +commission
+"intergovernmental relations"
Wildcard searches can expand the number of matches
for a particular request. The For instance, searching for law* will find
the words law, laws, lawyer, lawyers and any other word that
starts with law. Wildcards may be combined with the standard plus (+)
and minus (-) modifiers, quotes for phrases, as well as the field search
specifiers. Examples: |
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