� Ambassador Bremer announced on April 5 the appointment of 28 new Deputy
Ministers in 14 Ministries. Nominations for these Deputy Ministers came from
both the Iraqi Governing Council and the Ministers themselves.
� CPA personnel and Iraqi ministry officials have worked intensively over the
past year to increase the capacity of the country�s ministries to function
effectively and deliver vital services to the Iraqi people. Their work has
included everything from identifying qualified managers, renovating and
equipping buildings, and training staff.
� The appointment of these deputy ministers is another important step in these
efforts. This group of deputy ministers is expected to have a major impact on
the ability of the Iraqi ministries to develop their staffs, manage their
programs, and create effective ministries able to take on the challenges of the
interim period.
� This is a highly qualified group. The new Deputy Ministers were educated in
Iraq, the U.S., the UK, France, and elsewhere, and includes seven PhDs in areas
as diverse as agricultural, political science, law, electrical engineering,
animal science, biochemistry, and paleontology.
� The group includes Iraqis from throughout the country, including six women.
� We plan to appoint the second tranche of deputy ministers, representing the
remaining 11 ministries, shortly.
Ministry of Agriculture: Dr. Subhi Mansour Al-Jumaili
Dr. Sawsan Ali Magid Al-Sharifi
Dr. Hazem Al-Refaay
Ministry of Culture: Mrs. Maysoon Aldamluji
Mr. Sarbast Omar Hassan Bamarni
Mr. Jabor Mohammed Al-Jabery
Ministry of Displacement & Migration: Mrs. Hamdia Ahmed Najif
Ministry of Education: Dr. Sami al-Mudhafar
Ministry of Electricity: Mrs Baraka Mahdi Salih Al-Jiboori
Mr. Raad Muhsin Ghazi Al-Haris
Ministry of Environment: Mr. Ali Hnoush
Mrs. Manal Kamel Alyas Aziza
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Dr. Hamid al-Bayati
Mr. Labid Jamil �Abawi
Amb. Bassam S. Kubba
Mr. Sa�ad Jasim al-Hayani
Ministry of Health: Mr. Amer Hassan Al Khuzaie
Mr. Ammar Al-Saffar
Ministry of Higher Education: Mr. Idrees Hadi Salih
Dr. Beriwan Khailany
Ministry of Human Rights: Mr. Bahkitr Amin
Ministry of Interior: Gen. Abdoljabar Yousof Mohammed
Hussain Ali Kammal Ahmed Fahmi
Ministry of Justice: Mr. Bosho Ibrahim Ali Dizee
Ministry of Municipalities & Public Works: Mr. Ayad Ibrahim Al-Safi
Mr. Kamil Kamil Al-Chadriji
Transportation Dr. Mitha Hassan Al-Lami
Atta Nabil Hussain Auni Atta
Dr Sawsan Ali Magid Al-Sharifi graduated from Baghdad University with a
BSc in animal production in 1977. She earned an MSc in animal breeding from Iowa
State University in 1981 and later a PhD in animal breeding from Iowa State in
1983. Dr Sawsan brings over 20 years of practical and academic experience to the
Deputy Minister role. She has held senior scientific research positions with the
Scientific Research Council and the State Board of Agricultural Research. Dr
Sawsan has also acted as the national coordinator of buffalo research for the UN
agriculture organization FAO in Iraq and edited the Iraq Journal of Agriculture
for several years. Dr Sawsan has published extensively in scientific literatture
and represented Iraqi scientists at a international.
Dr Subhi Mansour Humadi Fares Al-Jumaili gained a BSc in food technology
from the Technology College of Agriculture at Abu Ghraib in 1974. He obtained an
MSc in dairy technology from the Agriculture Institute of Moldavia in 1982, a
PhD from the Agriculture Academy of Moscow in 1986 in nutrition and an MSc in
food safety from South Bank London in 2000. Dr Al Jumaili has held several
practical and academic positions in agricultural organizations in Iraq, USSR and
the UK. He has also worked as journalist and assisted with Iraqi immigration and
refugee issues in the UK. Dr Jumali is a member of the Communist Party of Iraq
and has been aligned with the Communist Party since his student days.
Dr Hazem Abdul-Aziz Mahmoud Kadhem Al-Refaay Al-Samvaay was previously
Director General of Agricultural Extension at the Ministry and has held a number
of practical and academic positions during his long and distinguished career. He
was a lecturer at Baghdad University for several years. He has worked for the
Ministry of Agriculture for six years. Before the war he was Executive Director
of the National Tomato Programme, a very successful and well recognized R&D
programme in Iraq.
Maysoon Salem Al-Damluji was born in Baghdad in 1962. She earned a
Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture in 1985. Working primarily from
London after 1984, she served as architectural designer, architect, and site
manager on projects throughout the Arab world and elsewhere. She has been deeply
involved in founding and promoting organizations in support of Iraqi arts,
including the Iraqi Artists Association, the Kufa Gallery, recitals of poetry
and music, and the Studio of the Actor. She has also been publicly active in
promoting democracy and women�s rights in Iraq.
Jabber Mohammed Abbess Al-Jabriy was born in Al-Najaf in 1958. An
accomplished poet already in secondary school, he rejected the Baath party and
was jailed in 1976 for publicly reading his anti-regime poetry. He left Iraq
after being released in 1980 and thereafter worked with opposition groups in
Kurdistan, the Iraqi marshes, and outside Iraq, making secret broadcasts and
participating in opposition activities with other Iraqi writers and activists.
In 1995 he edited and published Al-Kasahb magazine, which focuses on Iraqi
issues. He has a Masters Degree in Arabic Language and Literature from Lebanon
University and has published five volumes of poetry about the tragic plight of
Iraq under the Baath.
Sarbast Omar Hassan Bamarni was born in Erbil in 1945. He earned a
Bachelor of Arts degree in Kurdish literature in 1968, and a Bachelor of Arts in
Law in 1971. From 1970 to 1974 he was editor of several newspapers, including
Al-Taachi, Hawkary, and Brayaty. He worked as a lawyer in Erbil from 1975 to
1985, and as a political activist for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Europe
from 1985 to 1999. Since 1999, he has served as the Deputy Editor-In-Chief of
Al-Muatamar newspaper in London.
Ms. Hamdia Ahmed Najif has extensive experience in Iraqi government,
women�s affairs, and human rights. She has nine years experience with the
Ministry of Finance in customs, audits, and taxation and holds a BS degree in
Economics from Baghdad University. She has served with Rafadeen Bank and has
been active in various committees and local councils focusing on the protection
and rights of women, children, and Faili Kurds in Iraq. She has also been active
in groups working on the search for missing persons and political prisoners. Ms.
Najif has been working with the new Ministry of Displacement and Migration since
December of 2003.
Dr. Sami Al-Mudhaffar is one of the most senior biochemists of Iraq. The
former president of Baghdad University, he has played an important role in
promoting biochemistry and related subjects, such as molecular biotechnology
research in Iraq. He has initiated and established many scientific and
educational bilateral programmes with scientific organizations and laboratories
worldwide. He has over 33 years of teaching experience in different branches of
biochemistry to graduate and undergraduate students. From 1968-2000, Prof. Al-Mudhaffar
was a scientific supervisor of 25 Ph.D and 50 Msc. students. He has published
more than 50 inventions and 250 scientific papers. Prof. al-Mudhaffar received
his B.Sc. Hons Degree in science from University of Baghdad in 1959-60. In 1962,
he received his PhD Virginia Tech, obtaining his PhD. in 1967.
Raad Muhsin Ghazi Al-Haris was born in Al-Najaf in 1955. He graduated
from the University of Baghdad in 1979 with specialization in Power Generation
Stations. He has worked at the Najaf Gas Generation Station and has been the
Director of the Power Stations at Baiji, South Baghdad, Dora and Al-Yousifiyya.
He has been the Director General of the Generation Stations Rehabilitation
Department and more recently the Director General of the Middle Region
Generation Company. He has studied operations and maintenance of power stations
inside and outside Iraq. He was hired as a consultant to the Ministry of
Electricity in January 2004.
Baraka Mahdi Salih Al-Jiboori was born at Anbar-Falluja in 1960. She
graduated from the University of Technology in 1982 with a B.S. in Production
and Minerals Engineering. She has worked as an Engineer Assistant and Engineer
in power equipment design, and later as the Director of Irons Factory. She has
served as the Director of Spark Plug Factory engaged in power equipment
manufacturing. She has served as the Chief Engineer of Transmission Networks
before the foundation of the Commission of Electricity and the Ministry of
Electricity. She was the Chief of Transformer Branch in the Department of
Generation Stations and more recently the Director of the Planning and
Commercial Departments. She has been Consultant in the Union of Iraq Engineers
since 2002.
Manal Kamil Elyas Aziza was born in Mosul in 1956. She received a
Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering in 1977. From 1977 until 1987
she worked as a site engineer on many construction projects, including the
designs for Medical City. In 1987 she joined the Center for Environmental
Protection where she has worked in progressively responsible technical and
managerial positions. Her work has included responsibility for implementing
decisions of the Council for Environmental Protection and Improvement; Director
of the Department for the Control of Industrial Pollution, and Director of
Public Relations and Environmental Awareness, and most recently Director General
for Technical Programs.
Dr. Ali Hussain Aziz Hnoush was born in 1944 near As Samawah and received
a Bachelor of Science (1974) and a Master of Science degree (1984) from the
University of Horticulture of Budapest, Hungary. In 1986 he received a PhD in
Agricultural Science from the Hungarian Academy of Science. Dr. Ali has served
as an Assistant Professor on the Agriculture Faculty at the University of
Sebha-Lybia, and a Research Visitor on the Faculty of Human Sciences at the
School of Economy of Kingston University in Britain and has worked as a
consultant and researcher on environmental problems in air and semi-arid
regions. Most recently, he has served as an IRDC technical advisor to the new
Ministry of Environment. Dr. Ali has published more than one hundred articles
and reports related to environmental and agricultural problems in Iraq and
Middle Eastern countries in different Arab Journals and newspapers.
Dr. Hamid Al-Bayati was born in 1952 in Baghdad, Iraq. He studied at
Baghdad University and in Cairo, and has a PhD in Political Science. He joined
the Islamic Dawa Party in 1968, and since 1981 he participated in the military,
political, and media work of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in
Iraq (SCIRI, and its predecessor organizations). He became SCIRI�s
representative in Great Britain in 1992 and participated in the conferences of
the Iraqi opposition. He was a member of the Executive Committee of the Iraqi
National Congress from 1992 to 1998. Dr. Al-Bayati participated in many of the
delegations of SCIRI and the Iraqi Opposition to Arab, Islamic and Western
countries. Until his return to Baghdad, he continued his political, media, and
diplomatic work as SCIRI�s representative in London.
Bassam Salih Kubba was born on 27 April 1944, in Baghdad, Iraq. He has a
B.A. in English Literature from Baghdad University and a Master�s degree in
International Relations from St. John�s University in New York. A career
diplomat, Ambassador Kubba joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1968 and
served in a variety of key positions worldwide, from Charge d�Affaires of the
Iraqi mission to the United Nations in New York, to Ambassador to China.
Ambassador Kubba also served on the Steering Committee which ran the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs after the fall of the previous regime, and is the Ministry�s
most senior career diplomat.
Saad Jassim S. Al-Hayani was born in 1947, in Baghdad, Iraq. He has a B.A.
in Economics and Political Science from Baghdad University. His diplomatic
career began with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an attach� at the Iraqi
Embassy in Paris with follow-on assignments in Senegal and Lebanon. Mr. Al-Hayani
was reassigned to the Ministry of Agriculture in 1980 and served as the Director
of imports and exports for agricultural products. After leaving government
service in 1988, Mr Al-Hayani was General Secretary of ALFURAT, an advertisement
firm and a member of the board for ALATHMAR agricultural company. He is
currently serving as head of the administration and finance department at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Al-Hayani is married with three children.
Labid Majid Abbawi was born in 1944 in Mosul, Iraq. He has a degree in
mechanical engineering from Great Britain. He is a political activist and
long-time opponent of the former regime. He was a member of the foreign
relations committee of the Iraqi Communist Party and headed the committee from
1993 to 2000. He participated in the foreign activities of the Joint Work
Committee, a coalition of Iraqi opposition groups, and was a prominent member of
the opposition until the fall of the regime. He is the founder of the Iraqi Hope
Organization, a humanitarian NGO, and a founding member of Al-Mada Organization
for Development and Cultural Cooperation.
Dr. Idrees Hadi Salih has served Iraq as a professor, as head of his
university department, as the president of Salahaddin university, as the head of
two ministries in northern Iraq, and as a member of the parliament of Kurdistan.
He has a particular interest not only in higher education but also in issues of
human rights. He has extensive administrative, academic and political experience
and will now become the deputy minister for administrative affairs in the
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Dr. Beriwan Abdul-Kareem Khailany is currently the head of the scientific
affairs department at Al-Naharain University. Educated at Baghdad University and
University College London in Geology and Micropaleontology, she has extensive
teaching, research and publishing experience. She has worked as a researcher for
private industry as well as a member of the faculty at her university. She now
will take the position of Deputy Minister for scientific and cultural affairs in
the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
Dr. Amer Hassan Al-Khuzaie MB.CH.B., DS, C.A.B.S., originally from
Nasyria, Dr. Amer attended high secondary school and medical school in Basrah
before graduating fourth in his class from Basrah Medical College. His medical
internships have included work in rural areas, an appointment as Senior House
Officer in Orthopedics, and teaching positions with the Basrah Medical College
Department of Surgery, Port Hospital and Aljumhuri Hospital. Dr. Amer studied
for the Arabic boards in Basrah between 1984 and 1988. He earned a high diploma
from Kufa University in 1990. In 1991 Dr. Amer left Iraq through Kuwaiti borders
for Iran. In Iran, he worked in Gulpygani Hospital and Azad University becoming
an assistant professor. In 2003, Dr. Amer returned to Iraq and was posted to the
Basrah University Medical College Surgery Department. He is a member of the
laparoscopic surgeons association. He has been with the Ministry of Health in
Baghdad since November 2003.
Mr. Ammar Al-Safar holds a B.A. Degree in Accounting and Business
Administration from Al-Mustansingyah University. Mr. Ammar was Executive Manager
of SJN Group Limited in London, England, where he managed payments, negotiated
supplier contracts and oversaw daily banking and financial reporting. From 1981
to 1987, he worked for Optic Establishment as Financial Manager and then
Executive Manager. There, he was responsible for running seven outlets,
overseeing accounts, managing employment, import, and purchasing contracts and
supervising and training staff. In the first half of his career he worked as an
accountant for the Ministry of Housing and Public Works Payroll Department in
Dubai, U.A.E., Iraqi Airways Headquarters Budget Department and H. Al-Saffar &
Partners (Electrical Contractors).
Bakhtiar Amin, born in Kirkuk, was the Executive Director of the
International Alliance for Justice which coordinated a network of 275
international NGO's from more than 120 countries calling for the establishment
of an International Ad Hoc Tribunal for the Iraqi leadership's crimes against
humanity, crimes of war and genocide. Mr. Amin is Sorbonne educated and earned a
Masters in International Relations. He continued doctoral studies in geopolitics
and studied journalism in Sweden. He has two decades of experience in the field
of international human rights and humanitarian work. Mr. Amin has worked
extensively on minorities, indigenous peoples, women's rights, land mines, ICC,
freedom of expression, liberating prisoners and conflict resolution. He has
participated in fact finding missions in Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Kurdistan,
Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, along meetings with many heads of state,
high level officials, and foreign dignitaries.
General Abdoljabar Yousof Mohammed was born in Baghdad in 1945. He earned a
Bachelors Degree in 1968, and Bachelors of Law in 1973, and Masters Degree in
law in 1977, and a PhD in criminal law in 1993. General Abdoljabor began in the
police force in 1968. He served as a training section commander at the Police
Academy from 1977 to 1983, as Deputy Police Chief for Management from 1991 to
1993, and chief of the Legal Department at Yarmook University frm 1995 to 2001.
He was a lawyer in private practice until 2004.
Mr. Hussain Ali Kammal Ahmed Fahmi was born in Suleymania in 1961. He
graduated from Baghdad University College of Law in 1981. He worked as an
attorney from 1987 to 2002, served in the Kurdistan National Council from
1993-2001, and as Governor of Suleymania.
Bashoo Ibrahim Ali Dezaey graduated from the college of law at Baghdad
University in 1967. He was in private practice until August 1973, when he became
a judge in the court of first instance. He served as Administrator and Personnel
Manager for Roads in the Anbar Governorate from 1976-79. In 1979 he resumed his
private practice of law, which he has maintained to the present. Mr. Bashoo was
born in Irbil in 1945.
Mr. Ayad Ibrahim Al-Safi is an Architect / Planner with a vast experience
in administration (housing & land allocation) and management of basic service
delivery. His knowledge of infrastructure problems in Iraq enables proper
strategies to be placed to eliminate urban issues. Strong skills in Urban
Planning and economy. He has a B.Sc. Engineering Degree in Architecture and
Master Degrees in Urban Sciences and Economy. He worked previously with the
Ministry of Planning where he obtained most of his experience and headed Housing
Projects and Social Service Projects.
Mr. Kamil Naseer Kamil Al-Chadirji is an Architect with strong skills in
project management. Experienced in the private sector, has knowledge regarding
contracting, consultanting, oversight over bidding and handover processes. He
has a B.Sc. Engineering Degree in Architecture. As a consultant he prepared
feasibility studies to implementation documentation. As a contractor, his
project management, analytical, coordination and comunication skills were
further developed.
Mitha Al-Alami was born on September 10, 1953 and brings professional and
international experience to the Ministry of Transport. She received her Bachelor
degree from the University of Baghdad and her Masters degree from Suffolk
University, and has a proven record in planning, management, and budgeting,
which will serve the critical needs of the Ministry of Transportation. Her
experience in providing health care to the poor and elderly at the Doyr
Establishment and Octavia Establishment in England demonstrates both her
management expertise and sincere commitment to community service. And, as a
former educator in Al Kut and Baghdad, she understands the need for training and
capacity-building, which continues to be imperative for the rebuilding of Iraq�s
transportation sector.
Atta Nabil was born in 1941, and Mr. Nabil received a B.Sc. degree in
electrical engineering from Mustansiriya University and a Masters degree in
electrical control from the University of Wales. As the former Director-General
of the ministry�s Electric-Mechanical Department, and Baghdad�s central rail
station, Mr. Nabil�s transportation career spans over a period of nearly 4
decades. Starting out as an engineer assistant in 1965, he ended his career as
the Director-General of the Transportation Coordination department at the
Ministry of Transportation. Having been trained in Germany, Japan, and the U.S.,
he provides the ministry with international knowledge and experience, at a
critical juncture in the ministry�s reconstruction. Although officially retired
from the ministry in May 1994, since 1996 Mr. Nabil has served as a consultant
to the private sector and as a manager of the Al-Jim Company.