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Program Review Board (PRB) Minutes Ð Oct. 11, 2003



Sherri Kraham                                     Acting Chair/ Director, Program Review Board

Chris Milligan                                     USAID           

*Neil Melett                                       Representative of the government of Australia

*Nick Harvey                                     Representative of the UK Government 

COL Paul Hough                                CPA Comptroller      

COL Tony Bell                                   CPA Ð Head of Contracting Activities

*LTC Terry Ross                               Coalition Joint Task Force-7 Deputy Comptroller

*George Wolfe                                    Director, Economic Development

*Maura Connelly                                Representative of Governance

*COL Mike Kirsch                             Director of Operations Ð Chief of Staff

*Walt Slocombe                                  Director, Office of Security Affairs                           

James Carrera                                      CPA Ð Program Management Liaison Cell

Stephen Browning                              CPA Ð DOPSI

Trevor Flugge                                      Senior Advisor, Ministry of Agriculture

*Voting Members


The October 4, 2003 and October 7, 2003 minutes were approved.


The following Funding Requests were considered by the Board for recommendation to the Administrator


#518 Ð CPA Electrical Priorities for TF ÒRestore Iraqi Electricity (RIE) - $111,000,000 Ð A Corps of Engineers member briefed the Board. The Board supported the program but had several concerns with the funding of the program.  The Board approved the program subject to confirmation that other funding sources were not available and that the contracting approach was feasible. 


#517 Ð Police Radios - $12,000,000 Ð Funds were approved to purchase 10,000 radios to provide tactical communications to the Iraqi Police Service to conduct safe operations.  These radios will be distributed nationwide based on known field requirements.  Without this equipment the Iraqi Police Service command and control system is insufficient, and places personnel safety at higher risk when deployed on policing tasks without the means to raise the alarm or to request assistance.


#515 Ð Oil for Food Contracts - $ 0.00 Ð The Board voted to recommend that Ambassador Bremer  authorize the UN Office Iraqi Program (OIP) to proceed with funding of these contracts with un-obligated funds available to OIP per UN Security Council Resolution 1472 & 1483..


#510 Ð Facilities Protection Service - $2,700,000 Ð These Funds were approved for the purchase of 29,000 uniforms for the Facilities Protection Service personnel.  This request will provide all FPS personnel on hand plus the new recruits for the next 2 to 3 months with uniforms and cool & wet weather gear. Approved Ð Seized.


#516 Ð Donor Conference Materials - $14,935 - Since the request is less then $200,000, the Board approved the funds without any discussion.




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