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Citizens' Health Care Working Group

Health Care that Works for All Americans

Citizens' Health Care Working Group Health Care that Works for All Americans Home Page

It's Up To You

What's next in the national discussion about our health care? This is your chance to be part of an important debate. Use the resources of this web site to learn about our health care system.

What happens next, depends on you.

American College of Nurses and Midwives Supports Health Care that Works for All Americans


C. Chic Smith
Citizens’ Health Care Working Group
(301) 443-1592
(202) 689-4885 (cell)
Web site:


October 7, 2005 – Washington, DC – The Citizens’ Health Care Working Group is pleased to announce the support of the American College of Nurses and Midwives among the national organizations who are in support of this effort to engage individual citizens across the U.S. in finding solutions to make health care work for all Americans. Deanne Williams, ACNM Executive Director, encouraged her members to “take this opportunity today to share your knowledge and opinions.”

The Citizens' Health Care Working Group is a nonpartisan group authorized by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003, charged with developing recommendations for the President and Congress to provide U.S. citizens with "health care that works for all Americans." The Health Report to the American People will serve as a base to engage the American people in a dialogue on health care access, cost and quality issues. The Working Group consists of 14 citizens of diverse backgrounds from across the country, in addition to Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael O. Leavitt. To view The Health Report to the American People or get more information on the Citizens' Health Care Working Group, visit

Editor’s note: The Citizens’ Health Care Working Group is an independent body whose members were selected by the Comptroller General of the United States. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality provides administrative support as directed by the Medicare Modernization Act.
