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Citizens' Health Care Working Group

Health Care that Works for All Americans

Citizens' Health Care Working Group Health Care that Works for All Americans Home Page

It's Up To You

What's next in the national discussion about our health care? This is your chance to be part of an important debate. Use the resources of this web site to learn about our health care system.

What happens next, depends on you.


Congressional charge from Public Law 108-173, December 8, 2003:

  • Provide for a nationwide public debate about improving the health care system to provide every American with the ability to obtain quality, affordable health care coverage.
  • Provide for a vote by Congress on the recommendations that result from the debate.

How do we get from here to there?

  • Hold hearings to examine a list of subjects.
  • Prepare and make available to health care consumers, The Health Report to the American People.
  • Hold health care community meetings throughout the United States.
  • Provide interim recommendations for public comment.
  • Provide final recommendations to the President and the Congress.