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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release October 19, 2000


The President today announced his intent to appoint David Bresler, Veronica Gutierrez, Linnea Larson, Xiao Ming Tian and Donald Warren as members of the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy.

Dr. David E. Bresler, of Los Angeles, California, is one of the first contemporary American scientists to study and research acupuncture, guided imagery, and other mind/body approaches. As a professor in the UCLA Departments of Anesthesiology, Gnathology/Occlusion and Psychology, he applied his findings to treating clinical problems that did not respond well to conventional care, beginning with chronic pain. As the Founder and Executive Director of the UCLA Pain Control Unit, he and his team created the first multi-disciplinary, university-based chronic pain program in America. Dr. Bresler has authored or co-authored numerous publications, as well as twenty books and workbooks. Currently, Dr. Bresler serves as Associate Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology at the UCLA School of Medicine, Executive Director of the Bresler Center, Clinical Consultant to the UCLA Pain Medicine Center, Dean of Mind/Body/Spirit of the University of Integrated Studies, and Co-Director of the Academy for Guided Imagery. Dr. Bresler received his B.A. from Brandeis University, his M.A. from Bryn Mawr College, and his Ph.D. from UCLA. He received his Certificate in Acupuncture from the Institute for Taoist Studies.

Dr. Veronica Gutierrez, of Lake Stevens, Washington, practices with Gutierrez Family Chiropractic. She is a professional member of the World Chiropractic Alliance, serving on the Board of Directors. She serves as Chair of the Council on Women's Health and Director of Programs in Public Policy. Dr. Gutierrez has been very active in the chiropractic community, serving on many boards and commissions. She has received numerous awards in her profession, including awards from the Chiropractic Society of Washington, the Straight Chiropractic Academic Standards Association, and the International Chiropractic Association. Dr. Gutierrez received her Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic and did post-graduate work at Cleveland College of Chiropractic.

Ms. Linnea Larson, of Oak Park, Illinois, is Associate Director of West Suburban Health Care (WSHC), Center for Integrative Medicine in Oak Park. Previously, she was the Behavioral Science Coordinator at WSHC Family Practice Residency Program. She was a clinical social worker at St. John's Hospital in Springfield, Illinois, where she provided inpatient and home hospice services and was also associated with the St. John's Center for Mind-Body Medicine. She also has worked as a family therapist and as a lecturer at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Ms. Larson received a B.A. from Knox College and a M.S.W. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Dr. Xiao Ming Tian, of Bethesda, Maryland, is Director of the Academy of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and Wildwood Acupuncture Center. Dr. Tian is currently conducting a National Institute of Health (NIH) supported clinical trial with Georgetown University Medical School to treat fibromyalgia patients using acupuncture. He has completed many research projects on the use of Chinese herbal medicine and dietary supplements to treat and prevent arthritis, sports injuries, and fibromyalgia, in collaboration with NIH and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrition Center. In 1991, Dr. Tian was the first person to be appointed a Clinical Consultant of Acupuncture to the NIH medical staff. He is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine at the United States Uniformed Health Service. Dr. Tian is the President of the American Association of Chinese Medicine. He is also the Honorary Director of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Vice President of The International Academy of Medical Qigong, both in Beijing, China. He currently serves as an advisor to World Health Organization and Pan-American Health Organization on traditional medicine. Dr. Tian received his Medical Degree from Beijing Medical University and was a Ph.D. Research Fellow at NIH.

Dr. Donald W. Warren, of Clinton, Arkansas, currently practices general dentistry, which includes dental cranial osteopathy, an alternative and complementary approach to health; temporomandibular joint dysfunction treatment, an alternative treatment for head, neck and facial pain and orthodontics/orthopedics. Since 1989, Dr. Warren has presented seminars on dental cranial osteopathy, temporomandibular joint dysfunction treatment, contact reflex analysis and designed clinical nutrition, and correct dental occlusion. Since 1999, these seminars have been accredited by the Academy of General Dentistry. He also instructed a hands-on clinic at the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, hosted by the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation. Dr. Warren has taught in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Dr. Warren received a B.A. from Hendrix College and a D.D.S. from the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry. Since then, he has continued to study in his fields of expertise and is a diplomat of the American Board of Head, Neck and Facial Pain.

The White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine shall provide a report, through the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to the President on legislative and administrative recommendations for assuring that public policy maximizes the benefits to Americans of complementary and alternative medicine.


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