Statements Submitted by
Alfonso O. Laborde
- Testimony of Mr. Alfonso O. Laborde, Executive Director, Secretariat of the Commission for Labor Cooperation, before the United States Trade Deficit Review Commission, Dallas Texas, January 21, 2000
- The North American Agreement Labor Cooperation -- An Overview of the Institutions, Activity and Accomplishments
- Employment Growth in North America Since NAFTA: What Has Changed -- María Elena Vicario
- Graph 1 -- Real GDP Growth in North America, 1981-1998
- Graph 2 -- Exports and Imports of Goods and Services as Porcentage of GDP, 1980-1998
- Graph 3A -- Distribution of Canadian Exports and Imports of Goods, 1985-1998
- Graph 3B -- Distribution of Mexican Exports and Imports of Goods, 1985-1998
- Graph 3C -- Distribution of United States Exports and Imports of Goods, 1980-1998
- Graph 4 -- Trade of Goods Among NAFTA Countries
- Graph 5 -- Real GDP and Employment Growth in North America, 1981-1998
- Graph 6 -- Full-time and Part-time Employment Annual Growth in North America
- Graph 7A -- Distribution of Employment in the Manufacturing Industry in North America, 1998
- Graph 7B -- Employment in the Manufacturing Industry in North America, 1994-1998
- Graph 8 -- Mexico: Employment in the Maquiladora Industry, 1981-1998
- Graph 9 -- Unemployment Growth in North America, 1980-1998
- Graph 10 -- Involuntary Unemployment (job losers) in North America, 1980-1998
- Graph 11 -- Employment and Real Earnings Growth in North America
- Graph 12 -- Real Earnings Growth in North America
- Graph 13 -- Income of Wages and Salary Workers in North America